2007 summary and article on perfect world
A contest theme “ How you would create the Perfect World if given the power?” or “What is your version of the Perfect world?”
SUMMARY of article
In the problem of peace and harmony the Model is
1. Consideration, love and compassion for all people as first nature, natural way of life.
2. Culture of treating all neighbors or strangers with love, compassion, and consideration with the same attitudes and manners one’s parents should treat their children, brothers (sisters)should treat their brothers (sisters).
1. To be cultured with proper etiqutte.
Definition of cultured
Being Cultured encompasses proper etiquette, constant self discoveries of one’s character and personal empowerment, proper attitudes about one’s talents and purpose, understanding of using one’s talent to help others, willingness to tackle the intellectual challenge of helping people empower themselves, and having love and compassion as first nature.
Definition of Proper Etiquette
Proper etiquette includes basic politeness in words and gestures, respect for others, tolerance of people of different backgrounds and cultures, full consideration for others in one’s actions and words. It also includes positive criticism which means if one would to criticize others, one should only do so with a positive attitude by providing positive advice and a willingness to help improve the situation or correct the perceived wrong doings of others. Negative criticism of others out of frustration, anger, viciousness and other negative intentions should never be deemed proper.
Culture of Constant Empowerment of Self &
“Empowerment of Others = Empowerment of Self” as lifestyle, culture.
Constantly improving oneself, constant empowerment of others help one discovers oneself, one’s character and ultimately contributes to an exciting and progressive lifestyle, one that always looking to improve upon excellence.
In the problem of charity and global problems, like healthcare, hunger etc -
The Model is to
1. Get one person to help the next person closest in proximity- helping your neighbor- and have that person pay the effort forward by helping the next person in need. Mathematically, this formula solves all charity problems
Problems: Lack of time, money, stamina, inconvenience due to hectic modern lifestyle, complacency and lack of culture of loving and helping
Solution: Mobile and internet solve the problems of lack of time, money, stamina and inconvenience. The media, art world, non-profits should try to set charity culture as trend so that it becomes natural thought, way of life, first nature. By making charity fun, easy, cool, sociable to encourage culture.
All the world’s problems would be solved if full consideration for others, love and compassion is our first nature, our way of thought, way of life – just like the way we naturally sleep, eat , walk, breathe.
With full consideration of all people, including strangers, one wont do harm or criticize negatively with negative intentions to people. With love and compassion as first nature, one will tart all strangers as brothers and sisters and treat them and help them the same way we treat our own family. We wont afford the slightest thought of letting them suffer in any form of misery such as hunger, illness without helping them, empowering them into successful people – the same way parents would wish their children good and will do whatever in their power to empower their children toward success.
As we entered modern times, cultures of overpowerment riding on egos and excessive pride seems to be the norm, replacing love, compassion, and empowerment of others as our first nature, first thought, natural way of life. Full considerations of others in one’s actions were forgotten, negative criticisms start replacing positive criticisms, the simple culture of treating all neighbors or strangers with love, compassion, and consideration with the same attitudes and manners one’s parents should treat their children, brothers (sisters)should treat their brothers (sisters) were amissed. Modern history should be filled with fierce competition towards empowerment of others, not race towards overpowerment.
We must bring ourselves back to the time when people kept a full consideration of others as their most cherished possession. This is our true culture. And we should allow for constructive criticism, not negative communications, positive criticisms that lead to understanding instead of conflicts
Peace means that we treat each other as one big family, that we understand the other persons as our brothers and sisters. We must work together regardless of race, culture or class. These are universal values that apply to all religions and all people. All of this can be easily practiced when we understand this is our true nature and our first thought is to be truly in harmony with one another.
If we can just get everyone to help the closest person or the person next door, all the world’s problems will be mathematically solved. And then the person who received help will have to pay the effort forward, and help the next person in need. This pay it forward model is powerful and efficient but it requires a culture, a culture of helping as way of life, as way of thought, as first nature for this formula to work.
The approach of solving most social or economic problems by getting just one person to help, mentor, or coach another person is a very powerful and precise solution to many problems in our modern society. It requires a culture based on love and compassion as a way of life.
Even with the availability of time and modern technology to participate in solving world’s problems, one may still not do so due to inertia or apathy. The problems of apathy and the unwillingness to participate in charitable activities due to pressures of life and human complacency are influenced by our own culture; in our way of life, thought, and behavior, i.e. our second nature. Love and compassion as first nature creates a strong platform for personal empowerment, not just people helping others but helping people help themselves and getting them to pay it forward to people of close proximity.
So how do we establish this culture of helping others as way of first nature?
SOLUTION 1.Making helping people easy, non-time consuming, fun
SOLUTION 2 the media playing an important role in setting culture of people helping people
SOLUTION3 the arts for its subtle, creative diplomacy power internationally
SOLUTION 1. Time Management and Ease to Charity Participation are so important in today’s fast pace high stressed society. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, worker, or housewife, our life schedule usually allows limited quality time after an average of 8hrs of sleep, 8 hrs of work, 1 hr of commute, 1hr of dinner/lunch/breakfast, 4 hrs of recreation/phonecalls/tv/reading/meetings, leaving a maximum of 2 hrs of free quality time each weekday besides weekend.
Even if the 2hrs allows, charity participation is usually difficult due to time to commute, scheduling, and lack of organization.
The internet is able to match users free time accordingly, schedule accurately and organize efficiently based on matching each users needs/wants and skills/experience/education. This minimizes slippage, commute time, eliminate proximity problem, and even creates spontaneous participation through the cellphone connection.
The internet and mobile phone technologies makes helping people easy, convenient, non- time consuming, organized and efficient.
However, in less advanced countries with poverty population more than 50%, it strongly requires swift international political will and intervention to empower and aid these people. More often then not, the existence of corrupt governments escalates these problems of blocking and stealing aid. There must be strong political will to eliminate governmental corruption not just in these countries but across the world.
It is strange and baffling to see economies of emerging country economies booming and the poor is still suffering and not getting their deserved benefits and economic infrastructure. Corruption in any form in these governments caused misallocation of resources, imbalanced or “misplaced” economic capital during economic crises, aggravating the poor conditions of the poor during crises, and cause international financial market disturbance as money went missing unaccounted for and thereby creating international financial distrust and freeze in the lending system which possibly further exacerbate the economic crises and potentially social disorders.
Political will to eliminate governmental corruption and establish strong system of accountability is necessary to assure long term international equilibrium in social, financial, economic order.
A culture of love and compassion from the civilized world to participate in a more active role of helping through “participation through travel and migration” while not sacrificing their career goals or lifestyle is a quicker, feasible and exciting solution/model.
Media Role in Setting Culture
In today’s information world filled with flux and influence, the media plays an important role in guiding culture, thought, and lifestyle more than any other medium such as religions, schools, and parental guidance.
The media should take on the role of promoting culture of love, compassion, people helping people and cross-cultures.
A fun and inspirational, progressive media is needed to entertain, stimulate intellectually but provocatively as today’s youth have short attention span and are constantly flooded with nuances and vain repetitive content from all media fronts.
Definition of Progressive Media
Idu defines progressive media as one that is simulative, provocative, inspirational to our emotional, intellectual stimulus, one that touches our soul and open our hearts and mind to intellectual and emotional thinking, questioning, reasoning, learning, growth and thus personal evolution. Our daily emotional needs and logical thoughts and actions go through multiple stages of before deciding on courses of action in life. It is this complex emotional process that the media should try to depict creatively and bring it full of life to the audience instead of the usual, vain love/hate melodrama the media usually tries to exploit. Today’s media is flooded with excessive violence; vulgarism and thrillers that are simulative to our senses and fulfill our emotional needs but does nothing to escalate learning and positive growth. .
Violence or pure vulgarism as a pure media tactic to thrill, shock or gain attention or to distinct oneself or to increase viewership and reaction on the art should be deemed “uncool” similar to a filmmaker intentionally trying to make his film as elegant, pure and artistic as possible to qualify his film as a work of art.
Actions, thrillers and violence should only be used as part of the normal, natural course of presenting the art, out of a necessity such as presenting history, a past event or a true real live current situation.
Using action, thrillers, violence to prove a point simply debase or insult the artist’s talent or his ability to send the theme/ message across using alternative, evolved form of communication/art.
What’s the real challenge of Progressive Media?
In today’s fast paced world, limited time, information flux, and short attention span is the norm among the young audience and overall society. No matter of how progressive one’s content is, unless it is fun, provocative and most important, stimulating could we get the audience’s attention. Coming out with progressive content that is entertaining, empowering and cultured will be the intellectual challenge of progressive media.
SOLUTION 3 The Power in the Arts
Idu believes that arts and the artistic culture is the solution to this issue. Artistic endeavors such as short writings, poems, paintings, photography, and fashion, will address cross culture issues and promote peace and love. The reason arts can be effective is due to its ability to be subtly assertive, creatively diplomatic while not rubbing old wounds on any parties. It bridges common grounds, traits, forges common ties, bonds, and engenders unity and relationship.