idu 2007 Moral Dilemma Series - notes


MD are moral issues in life that are difficult to deal with and more often than not has no “right” answers and is forever open-ended. Idu attempt to come out with answers in all the compilation of issues below

ISSUE 1: Speaking up with courage versus being complacent, or going along with obviously wrong/complacent consensus or being excessively compromising to maintain peaceful relationships. The courage to do whats right, being responsible and fixing the problems, going against consensus.

Respect, tolerance, openesss to differences doesn’t mean not speaking up against what is obviously wrong


2a. The issue of “Cultured” (refer to Perfect World article)- full consideration for others, love and compassion as first nature, helping others = helping yourself, importance of loving everyone equals loving yourself and discovering love and relationship in a new light etc

Importance of “Cross cultured” loving all others, neighbors, strangers
regardless of different sub-culture, racial, and social issues.

2b. The parent-child model as foundation/formula, the brother-sister model applied to loving all others/strangers.

One has to recognize that love is a selfless energy that encompass all, never partial, -with partial as incomplete – thus the importance of loving everyone, stranger alike due to the organic connection between everything in existence. The real nature of someone who gives is kindness and everyone is kindness/goodness personified; you see and feel the same vulnerability in all others that you feel within yourself. Therefore kindness to yourself leads you to kindness towards others. When one recognized that we are all one and the same, when we give to others, we are giving to ourselves. One never fully complete/empower oneself until all others are fully complete and empowered.
End of Article



Notes and scraps on Common Moral Conflicts 


3a. Striving for perfection vs contentment with “good enough non-perfection”, natural evolution, problems of complacency
Perfectionist, control, paranoia of imperfection, being meticulous = freedom, free will, responsibility.

Thus preparation beyond expectation and constantly striving for perfection as non-perfection always evolves into problems.
Being aware that evolution is never perfect as it requires effort to mold into perfection.

3b. The universe is created with positive and negative energy. Why negative too, one may ask, why not just the positive energies, emotions, thoughts? The negative is necessary to balance out the positive to prevent extremes – they act as self defense mechanism to allow cautiousness, humbleness and prevent emotional extremes that cause carelessness, manic behaviors with people acting out of line, out of control, out of character. It also allow better planning and alertness and awareness to solve problems quickly as problems emerge and not procrastinate. And without the negative, one would not understand or appreciate the positive as there wont be any thing to distinct it against.

The understanding of negative emotions as necessary self defense mechanism– emotions like bitterness, jealousy, guilt, fear, greed, sadness – does not mean its existence are naturally fine and would not cause problems. The fact of its existence always guarantees the possibilities of negative extremes such as hatred, selfishness, and other forms of evil thoughts and actions. And all these negative extremes without swift proper intervention/balancing back into its balanced equilibrium state again upon careful planning, education and preparation always evolved into uncontrollable serious viral problems, not easily controlled or resolved over time. 

So what is the solution? Understanding that such extremes are possible, careful planning and swift actions and interventions are required, even from the outside with help from 3rd parties if the system is inherently or politically stuck. 

One should understand the possibilities of excessive extreme in both positives and negatives that requires forces on the outside to balance/mold decisively as nothing is naturally perfect based on evolution 

Thus one should always strive for perfection, the right/perfect balance with lots of planning, preparation and executions as complacency or the content with a non-perfect state naturally evolving always breeds problems down the road.

3c. Many would argue against perfection as they adopt the notion that perfection restricts freedom, creativity, free will as it involves details and more control, more balancing of the extremes. This is furthest from the truth since lack of perfection engenders lack of security and fear which truly restricts freedom. Only when security is truly secured out of responsibility and consideration for all can one truly experiment with creativity for growth and truly experience free will. 

One should remember the priority that freedom, free choice, free will are not truly free without responsibilities to do the right thing, to maintain consideration for all.
It is perfection that creates the freedom, creativity for growth – not the lack of it.


4b.Compromise, meeting half way vs ego, structure, rules

4a.begging and pleading for help vs pride, ego

4b. pride and excessive ego over love/compassion and consideration for all

4b. Issue of rules, structure, order vs compassion and making exception, issue of confusion of priority. And solution???


ISSUE 25 forgiving vs accountability and structure
Necessity of positive anger on an environment of complacency
Law and order and punishment and accountability

ISSUE 26 neg criticism vs positive criticism, being open to criticism for growth
Cristicism to help, not mock
ISSUE 28 necessity of pride for personal confidence for achievement/empowerment vs excessive ego/arrogance
Individual level, National level

29a. persistence vs stubbornness due to different circumstances as priorities change

29c. ambition, greed or too overly focused on passions vs lack of consideration for others/circumstances. Balance?? original intent/desire and self-centered ego, necessity of pride

29b. Personal sacrifice in ones passion vs sacrificing all other things like love, relationships. Balance??
Priority and sacrifice

ISSUE 30 power of humor, music and dance, drinks – acting out of ego vs acting selflessly, out of original self.

ISSUE 32 Being “zen”, content, a false kind of peace, accepting what is, natural