2007 idu puppet show- 6 episodes key notes on Themes


IDU Startup Show


The following set of qns are important to distinguish the idu library. As we know by now, the idu library can be divided into 3 main parts: Success and empowering yourself, Helping others, Love.

However, in the end, love is what makes people happy. So realistically,


1. Success and empowering yourself = loving yourself ( because w/o loving yourself, u cant love others as you cant appreciate yourself and others)


2. Helping others = Loving others


3. Love = loving yourself AND loving others, which in turn equals Completion of YOU, Completion of LOVE

        YOU as never isolated, always intertwined and connected with everyone and anyone at all times.  LOVE as a selfless energy that encompasses  all, never isolated, as isolation equate non-selflessness and incompleteness.

        It is this experience of this COMPLETENESS of love that makes u see love and relationship in a new light.



Qns to ask puppet


  1. Whats your purpose in life? What do think others purpose of life is? Should they follow your purpose?

1b. How do you define happiness? Should happiness and purpose be tied together?


1b. whats  is your version of the perfect world? How would you create it if given the power? Idu believes “full consideration for others in all our actions”, love and compassion as first nature not second, and helping others= helping yourself.


1b. How do u create peace and harmony in the world?

Refer to Perfect World article at end of this file.


  1. What is your definition of success in life?   Power, fame, money, success, love? which one if only one?

2a. Is success in life more important than love and relationships if u cant have both?

2b. Is success in life important at all? Is personal growth and empowerment and living life productively or to the fullest important at all? Growth as loving yourself and appreciating yourself.

2b. Should one constantly improve, prepare beyond expectation and strive for perfection? How would one overcome complacency and “good enough” contentment and natural evolution?  Understanding that existence of positive and negative, yang and yin as natural and unnatural(the potential extremes) as creations are not always perfect.



2c. Is it important to go after ones passion? Is it important to tie success with your passion? What if ones passion is in conflict with success? What if success doesn’t involve the passion?  Which would u rather have- working on your passion or success?


2d. Must u enjoy your work? Is play more important than work? Does responsibility = true freedom   ?


Can u achieve success w/o loving your work?  Can u achieve success w/o loving the people u work with?  What kinds of people would u rather work with? What kinds of people or personalities u hate working with? How do u handle difficult people?


Do u have multiple personalities? A different one for career, social, family, soulmate? Should one have multiple personalities? Is that natural or healthy? Is is necessary or weird or not real? Shouldn’t one be himself/herself all the time?



2e. Whats your strengths and talents that could contribute to success in life?

Whats your weakness that points to failure? How are u fixing your weakness and improving yourself for success?


2f. Is a healthy body important for success? Which is more important, success or a healthy body, if you could pick only one?


Is a happy spirit important for success? Which is more important, success or a happy spirit, if you could pick only one? How do u maintain a happy spirit? What actions creates a happy spirit?




  1. How would u define love? a invisible energy?

3b. How would u differentiate love for soulmate versus family love? and friends? And everyone including strangers?

3c. Which love is more important to u? who would u save in a sinking boat?

3c2. Can one love everyone else more than your soulmate? Versus a fireman or policeman scenario.

3c3. Is it important to love everyone? why? To what extent would u love or help a stranger? What model?

Why is helping others important? Whats your unique approach to charity? Refer to the 14 pt charity file at the end of this doc.  Whats your solution to solving all charity problems?


3d. Define love for soulmate? Whats makes a right soulmate for marriage or long term relationship?

3e. Do we all just become friends in the end? Family as friends, soulmate as friends, strangers as friends?  “We are friends in the end” as proper attitude and solution to cross-cultural, social , relationship conflicts.



Tact and Tone, Work and Moral Ethics, Personality and Character type Qns


  1. Do u have the courage to speak up against the consensus at the risk of your job, money, reputation, life? Qn of loyalty, faithfulness to boss,parents, nation, friends vs doing whats right.

:  Speaking up with courage versus being complacent, or going along with obviously wrong/complacent consensus or being excessively compromising to maintain peaceful relationships. The courage to do whats right, being responsible  and fixing the problems, going against consensus.


Respect, tolerance, openesss to differences doesn’t mean not speaking up against what is obviously wrong



1b. Avoiding conflicts, seeking a false kind of peace versus facing the  problems now and overcoming w/o effort, doing vs avoiding = true peacefulness, true zen.


2. When is compromise allowed in the context of rule and structure?

Should one break the rule for love and compassion? What happen to accountability? Where is the balance?

  1. Would you beg for food to solve hunger for others at the loss of pride and ego? For yourself?  Did Mother Teresa do the right thing in India? What about the head of a nation?


3b. Is love and compassion  more important than ego, pride? Is ego and pride necessary at all?   Pride for personal confidence for achievement vs excessive ego



  1. Should one always forgive wrong doings versus accountability and structure.

Should one practice positive anger on wrong doings and complacency?


4b. Should one practice positive criticism ? Whats the difference bet. Positive and negative criticism?  To help, not mock.



  1. Should one sacrifice love and relationship and go after ones passions and success? Should one be persistent and stubborn  towards ones goals as circumstances and priorities change to the extent it cause lack of consideration for others?

5b. When is ambition, greed, overfocus on passions ok? Original intent/desire and necessity of pride.



  1. Do u act and behave differently when u drink, smoke or party? Why is that? Who is the real u? Which one do u like better?



  1. Should an artist or business person exploit sex, violence, spur controversies in the marketplace? When is it ok ? Business Ethics.


8.When is it ok to lie? When is it important ot be tactful and subtle? Lying out of consideration and to avoid direct embarrassment.


  1. Other tact and tones include paying attention to details/little things, avoiding procrastination,  admiting mistakes and correcting them quickly, being sensitive and listening well.



Other Key themes of IDU


  1. Be real, be yourself as long as there is full consideration for others – your  actions are not causing harm or interfering with others

2 stay young forever, anti-aging  crowd.

Below is the extract from previous email that we could use ==


Yes the vitamins, eating healthy, good exercise helps. But helping others lift your spirit and scientifically  keeps you looking young and beautiful.


Maybe Roxy is trying everything to look gd and beautiful thru gym, eating right but fails. In contrast Mica appears real glowing and pretty without even trying due to her generous and helpful nature.


MD : None. But here is a new one. All the vegetarians think eating animals is wrong.

Could debate if fish and shrimps(some vegetarians eat them) constitute a civilized intelligent life. What about insects like bees and ants? What about any living organisms like a man’s sperm in regard to stem cell research and abortion? Where do we draw the line of what is a life and whats not? Should we have consideration for all life form ? what about the bad ones like crocodiles and  poison snakes?Do those have voting rights too?


Celebrity: Tyra Banks investigating to stay and look young forever – so much so that she wants to be Oprah-  because Oprah is all about scientifically staying young by helping others. ( read my Youth/sexy  article on George Clooney)


3. Charity, or helping others  as a everyday thing, not special occasions like Christmas. Charity as culture, love and compassion as way of life.


  1. the power of the COLLECTIVE, power of teamwork, the power of web2.0 and the web to CONNECT everyone effortlessly to share,help and collaborate
  2. The Big 4 in what constitute a happy spirit – Creative, sharing, giving, love

In one sentence – “create something to share or give it  away  to spread your love.”

To create something and sharing that something that has your identity and embodiment is to reciprocate love = happiness


  1. Do not be afraid to try new things, always explore your options in life, never too old or late to change
  2. SHARE your play = sharing you
  3. Strong principles in life equates to  Strong principles in business or entrepreneurship = foundation for success

Figure out yourself first, figure out life first before you figure out success in business.


  1. The importance of MENTORING – the one on one approach that creates care, love, accountability and responsibility.

The education social issue. Mentoring one on one as solution to the education problem.

 the proper approach- the arms length approach versus the close-up approach. Balance?? Overly intimate, overly caring as invasion of privacy?

Be perfectionist, be detailed as mentor, teach the right thing, be complete, admit mistakes, be proactive to correct.

  1. Co-workers as family, magic of teamwork, learning from each other, co-workers as a cross cultural place and initial springboard to learn how to love EVERYONE.
  2. Friends not just for fun, play, but also to share, help, and grow selflessly.


  1. This is a previous extract from a previous email on LOVE/SOULMATE



  1. Is my soulmate right for marriage? Is it true love?

The person is right if both enjoy doing small things together, the little things, and are companions who enjoy the chemistry of walking, sleeping, eating, small chat together instead of the big pow-wow sexual attraction, appearance and short term infatuation.

In the end, all infatuations and sexual attraction will die out and what holds the relationship together for life is the companionship – doing the small things together.


  1. Ida version of rediscovery of love and relationship is NOT just based on a new empowered you, a “doing” you, or a new successful accomplishing you. It is NOT just about “you don’t know what love is and  who your soul mate is until u love yourself first”.

 It is about rediscovery based upon using your talent to help others, to help the  guy next door or simply stranger in need , to share your love & expertise to better the world. It is about recognizing the fact that we are all different and unique in our own ways but at the same time we are one and the  same. It is about loving others, helping others the same way we love and help ourselves.   Until we feel and share our love as one, the self  is never truly fulfilled/complete and it never truly rediscover oneself and true insight into love and relationship.


One has to recognized that love is a selfless energy that encompass all, never partial, -with partial as incomplete – thus the importance of loving everyone, stranger alike due to the organic connection between everything in existence. The real nature of someone who gives is kindness and everyone is kindness/goodness personified; you see and feel the same vulnerability in all others that you feel within yourself. Therefore kindness to yourself leads you to kindness towards others. When one recognized that we are all one and the same, when we give to others, we are giving to ourselves. One never fully complete/empower oneself until all others are fully complete and empowered.


So common complaints among lovers and argument against the above view pt.

“If u love others more than u love ur soulmate, then that’s not really marriage quality love since it is not absolute”

The counter argument to that is until one love others and everyone as a whole, as one, one never quite completely fulfill his essence of self and therefore never truly know himself and understand his choice of soulmate, love and relationships.

Couples who understand the above will never have such complaints.





Other Social issues we must include:


  1. Gay rights
  2. Woman rights – election 08
  3. Single parents- maybe mica has a single parent-her dad
  4. cross-culture, different race as in borat style, strategy with spunky girl and puppet going to the streets in each script.
  5. charity as election issue in 08, local charity and foreign aid to emerging nations
  6. issue on immigration, outsourcing,  foreign competition
  7. Corruption in established and emerging nations- how procrastination to totally eliminate corruption will have heavy down the road consequences as scale multiplies
  8. sex abstinence, porn – overcome versus avoidance??
  9. divorce rate
  10. affordable healthcare issues

 11. Vices in life – drug use, drunk driving, smoking, gambling

  1. abortion as in stem cell debate
  2. gun control, capital punishment, physical violence, crime rates, local gangs etc
  3. education – mentoring one on one as solution, the proper approach- the arms length approach versus the close-up approach. Balance??
  4. power of web 2.0 in daily life= power of the individual and the collective, power to be connected to share, help, collaborate, social effects, youtube, facebk, wiki, myspace, charity etc


  1. we are all connected and intertwined with everyone as much as we try to live or succeed in a vacuum.

16.loving everyone – issue of adoption as solution to loving all strangers

17. animal rights





In zany terms, we want to market Idu as


“be you, have the most fun, live to the fullest, do your best, go after your dreams, dream big, share you, share your passions, share your hobbies, connect by sharing,share what u create, be bold, be open, try everything”

“have fun empowering yourself, love your work and play, have fun helping others, have fun loving everyone.”




A contest theme “ How you would create the Perfect World if given the power?” or “What is your version of the Perfect world?” 


SUMMARY of article


In the problem of peace and harmony the SOLUTION Model is

 1. Consideration, love and compassion for all people as first nature, natural way of life.

2. Culture of treating all neighbors or strangers with love, compassion, and consideration with the same attitudes and manners one’s parents should treat their children, brothers (sisters)should treat their brothers (sisters).

  1. To be cultured with proper etiqutte.


Definition of cultured

Being Cultured encompasses proper etiquette, constant self discoveries of one’s character and personal empowerment, proper attitudes about one’s talents and purpose, understanding of using one’s talent to help others, willingness to tackle the intellectual challenge of helping people empower themselves, and having love and compassion as first nature.


Definition of Proper Etiquette

Proper etiquette includes basic politeness in words and gestures, respect for others, tolerance of people of different backgrounds and cultures, full consideration for others in one’s actions and words. It also includes positive criticism which means if one would to criticize others, one should only do so with a positive attitude by providing positive advice and a willingness to help improve the situation or correct the perceived wrong doings of others. Negative criticism of others out of frustration, anger, viciousness and other negative intentions should never be deemed proper.



 “Empowerment of Others = Empowerment of Self” as lifestyle, culture.

Equates to loving others =loving yourself



In the problem of charity and global problems, like healthcare, hunger etc -

The SOLUTION Model is to

  1. Get one person to help the next person closest in proximity- helping your neighbor- and have that person pay the effort forward by helping the next person in need. Mathematically, this formula solves all charity problems


Problems: Lack of  time, money, stamina, inconvenience due to hectic modern lifestyle, complacency and lack of culture of loving and helping

Solution: Mobile and internet solve the problems of lack of time, money, stamina and inconvenience. The media, art world, non-profits should try to set charity culture as trend so that it becomes natural thought, way of life, first nature. By making charity fun, easy, cool, sociable to encourage culture.




IDU 13 pt Charity File

How do we promote charity as way of life? How do we overcome complacency, lack of time and energy in a hectic 9 to 5 society ? How do we set charity as culture, as natural thought?


How to make charity:


1.easy, convenient

thru the web and mobile phone since the web is efficient in organizing your time and matching your skills and needs to those who wants help.


  1. non-time consuming with the web and phone and collaboration, simple viral $1 fundraising campaign on the web or phone that offers gifts like film, picture, songs or anything celebrity autographed etc. Reach mass audience rapidly since it is viral.


  1. not expensive monetary wise, even a $1 counts collectively
  2. fun – filled with fun events, parties, games, celebrities involvement and auctions, meaningful autographed prizes, trophies

Even shopping or playing cards save lives (use sexiest man  article)

  1. competitive – why cant charity be like a sports or business with global ranking where philanthropists big or small compete for best ideas, best execution of charity ideas, best collaboration in ideas and efforts


  1. young and sexy, cool – the new cool  ( use the article on how to be the sexiest person alive) or even stay young forever (read sexiest man article on eternal youth)


  1. New way to meet like-minded people as friends or even soulmates
  2. importance of charity as culture, way of life, natural thought, first nature (refer to Perfection article)
  3. the importance of the media to set charity culture (read Perfection article)
  4. the power of just helping one person, the one next door or closest in proximity, and passing the effort forward
  5. the power of recognition of helping others equals helping yourself as we are all the same as one – crucial for achieving completeness of self and understanding of love and true happiness
  6. importance of accountability of reputable charities -  audits and report on efficiency of charities thru “charity navigator”. Contributors hate having their money scammed or have their money spent on wine and cheese.
  7. Multiple ways to help

a.money – ease of contribution thru the web

b. time and effort to mentor/coach, help someone physically, help organize charity events or even a minimal effort of just casting your vote collectively on the web, such as www.one.org, to influence event outcomes that save lives etc The power of the collective with minimal effort thru the web!!

c. help fundraise for charities or events

13. Charity Collaborate section – help bridge the talent and resources between non-profit and for profit/corporate/public community, between the venture capital world, private equity, hedge fund, management consulting world, to synchronize the brains and efforts to promote efficiency and barter of services/resources and elimination of excesses.


A section on how the web and use of wiki can change all that ( will give u back the brand hijack book and wikinomics bk so to include some info)






My excerpt of my script – use it in whatever u guys feel like it


Mica: I think we should love everyone, the bus driver, the mailman, animals, criminals….imagine if we love the criminals more, then they wont be criminals!


Dana: so  I guess u are not for capital punishment?


Mica: I think killing is always wrong, killing anything is always wrong….especially when there is a chance for the person to repent and become good…we should always try to help people become good…even evil people….we have to believe in goodness.. that people can become good, that people believe in goodness and happiness..that they were born to be good….


Mat: what if they were born evil and remain evil after re-education? Do we then have a right to eliminate them?


Mica: hmm… it is true that nothing is perfect….life is not perfect…evolution is not perfect…the balance  of yin and yang, positive and negative is never exactly balanced, there is always a potential for excessive extremes and overflow, just like anyone can be gay because he has more yin and less yang – evolution is never perfect…….any one can become evil given a harsh context, such as poor education, economic environment….but it is not entirely their fault, since we are all collective… yes we are all unique individuals but our lives is always intertwined, connected as one and we all share the same blame when something bad happen to any one individual….it is our responsibility to help and educate anyone toward goodness…..it is our responsibility to love everyone, to provide anyone anywhere a gd education and economic environment…so I think we should never stop trying to help that person to become good…it is all collective..isn’t this is what web2.0 is about…power of the collective? Connecting the unique individuals?


Dana: so I guess u are anti-abortion since u are so fond of life?


Mica: no I m pro-abortion.


Dana: huh? Ok…why?


Mica:  I think it is a woman’s right to have an abortion.


Mat: isn’t that totally against your killing anything is bad jingo?


Mica: that will depend if unborn fetuses constitute a life!


Roxy who has been sitting there right next to Mica jumps in impatiently being a religious overachiever…


Roxy:  How is that not a life!  U can surely feel it moving in there when u are pregnant..I was pregnant before and I had an abortion and have feel like shit ever since….



Mica:  If anything that moves constitute a life, then germs are lives, a poison scorpion is a life, the ants that u step on accidentally is a life….poison snakes are lives, the millions of sperms when man ejaculate are lives…the bean stalks vegetarians chew on are lives…


Scot, excited, jumped in


Scot: damn right!…it aint a man’s fault that one of tiny swim up to big mama!


Mat: ok ok so how do u constitute whats a life and whats not?


Mica: hmm… let me think…I think….


Gene, drunk, holding a budweiser, sitting there, cuts in dreamily.


Gene: Oh..maybe  life is something that could think for itself whether to have a beer or not?


Mica: right!! A life is something that has civilized thoughts and judgements, considerations for others…..rational thinking..


Dana: so what about stem cell research? Being pro abortion, are u against it or for it?


Mica: I guess killing “unconstitional” beings to save humans is ok…it is like sacrifice, no?  I mean even some vegetarian eats shrimps and lobsters, fishes, sharks, whales….

I mean even the trees sacrifice their leaves so that we can eat them as vegetables…

I don’t know….i guess it’s a woman’s right!

Yes ! womans rights ! cheer one for Election 08!



Goober being playful jumps in.


Goober: so what about animals? Cats and dogs?


Mica: cats and dogs are definitely “constitutional” since they have rational behaviors, civilized and have consideration for others….


Goober : so are the ants crawling and stealing my cheeseballs in my garage constitutional….these ants are so smart and  organized …they come in a straight line and leave in a straight line…they seem rational, civilized….  But they get stepped on by humans by accident everyday …is that right?


Mica: hmm……like I say ….evolution is not perfect…


Gene: but we sure could improve it and perfect it…the same way they could help make me drink more and piss less…or smoke forever without getting brain damage….hmm …like a constant high….hmmm…these damn beers make me piss all the time….like every 5 minutes…sorry…bathroom time..




Roxy cuts in a bossy manner


Roxy : yes evolution is not perfect but that doesn’t allow u to write your own laws, to say what beings are constitutional and what is not…and killing a unborn baby that will become a full blown human being  is totally wrong!!! Coming from someone who believes in love, Mica, that is so without class and…


Mica slightly pissed at Roxy and counter attacking


Mica:  Well coming from someone who is divorced and had an abortion, I don’t think u know love too much!


Mat: So what is love Mica?



























Simplicity can be quite Complex . And Complexity is actually quite Simple.


The Simple Life can be quite Complex – pay attention to details, tact and tone, respect , tolerance for everyone

Complexity in life is actually quite simple – learning to overcome w/o effort, not escaping from problems, but doing, facing, overcoming our problems to the extent it becomes natural.


Idu = Doing


Theme  1 : Discover


Raw Idu theme:  Idu is about Happiness, what makes u happy. To know what makes u happy , u gotta know what makes u tick. So first , u gotta discover yourself. Your personality, strengths and weaknesses, talents, and life purpose.  You have to improve your personality, eliminate your weaknesses, bolster those strengths, and set a one sentence life purpose and tie all your actions, thoughts and daily life towards that life purpose sentence.


Normal Spin : what if I like my current personality and my weaknesses? What if my life purpose requires change and I refuse change?


There is nothing wrong to be real, to be yourself, but know the difference between feeling gd and being happy. No one knows the difference better than yourself! If happiness mean going after your life purpose, effort to change and improve are required.


Conceptual Attention Grabber spin :  My weakness is sexy and my Confused Personlality feels good. My life purpose is to stay stupid sexy. To feel good, free  and stay plainly real. Till it gets confusingly boring , change and improvements  toward happiness feels purposely unreal!


Freedom, free choice and free will are not truly free without responsibilities to do the right thing. Without responsibility of self and doing the right thing, fear of personal consequences  and fear of harming others will always be lingering. Securing and peacefulness will  always be lacking. Thus lack of true freedom.


Personal Responsibility = Freedom 


Conceptual Attention Grabber spin: If Abraham Lincoln is still alive, how would he affect the world?

Answer: The world’s population will be increase by one.

(The Value of the individual, the value of I, the value of everyone, the value of purpose)





Idu Show 6 themes


Each theme must be:

    1. Related (relevant) to each of the library top 6 themes
    2. unique, refreshing, original (new angle to an old issue)
    3. conceptual, provocative, with depth  (“wow! I never thought I could look at that same old issue with that angle/viewpt before!”) Audience will remember long after the show, perhaps for their whole life. Thus Memorable.
    4. humorous if possible.(very tough sometimes, if not impossible within the 3 constraints above)
    5. Contradictory, if possible –the most provacative statements are contradictions to the original purpose/intention of the statement  but  actually re-asserts the original purpose and makes it even stronger on a second reading or second level thoughts/analysis.  Once again, not too easy. This one is similar to the Abraham Lincoln Qn.

“ If Abraham Lincoln is still alive, how would he affect the world?”

Answer: The world’s population will be increase by one

The answer sound contradictory of what we are trying to achieve with the qn.  But it actually made it stronger and memorable.Subtle. Hypnotic.

(The Value of the individual, the value of I, the value of everyone, the value of purpose)



Episode One – Discover


Discovering = Discovering myself, Discovering Happiness, Discovering Purpose


Episode 1 theme should be all about what Idu stand for . Strong and clear for the audience since it is Episode 1. We know the Idu main essence are: Happiness, Doing, Love, Purpose, Helping, You.


But to the average audience, the most important ones are Happiness, Love, Purpose.

Since Episode 1 is about Discovery, which is more Doing and You, how do we convince the audience  that Doing = Happiness?


Here is the formula:


Happiness= Love

To love others = You must first love yourself. You.

To love yourselves = To Disocver who u are, Define your purpose, Improve yourself to go after and succeed in your purpose. =è All these equals “Doing


Therefore Happiness = Doing


This formula should be our theme for Episode 1.  Happiness = Doing

The monk spin u already have is as follow:

Monk : the true nature off zen, which is to achieve peace within oneself, is NOT avoiding problems, avoiding challenges, hiding in the forest to be one with nature and avoid modern conflicts and accept whatever societal wrong as part of natural evolution- and therefore doing nothing about it. This is false kind of peace.


The true nature of zen  to achieve inner peace is to “overcome without effort”, by DOING, getting used to Doing, getting used to facing difficulties NOW and challenges NOW.

Overcome without effort = Overcome problems/difficulties/challenges by facing them, DOING, repetition with strong will, so much  to the extent that one becomes used to it that they no longer feel any pressure or difficulty – thus “without effort”.

When one reached the “without effort” stage, one truly achieve inner peace since he is no longer afraid of problems or any challenges as he overcome them with ease.



Final closing summary CONCEPTUAL THEME –

“ Happiness equals DOING without DOING



Episode 2 – Improve


We know that the raw main Library theme is to constantly improve mind, body, spirit to achieve your purpose and success. The more important focus is the “spirit” section on

what  constitute a happy spirit and whether a happy spirit is important for success.


The BIG 4 in what makes a happy spirit = creative energy, Sharing, Giving, LOVE.

To sum it up  in one sentence will be = Creating something that has your identity to share and give it away to EVERYONE is to spread/reciprocate LOVE.

And this creates HAPPINESS.

Therefore Create+share+give+love = sharing and giving you =happiness


CONCEPTUAL SPIN/Summary ending: Improve yourself to lose yourself, give “YOU” away, create “YOU”, then share and give “YOU” away.



I know u have Evolution as the spin. But I want to add Perfection also as a spin.


First one should recognize that evolution is not perfect. And it is wrong to accept whatever imperfection or societal wrongs as part of natural evolution and therefore do nothing about it .  Positive (yang) and Negative (yin)energy exists in the  universe to create balance with the negative energy acting as necessary self-defense mechanism to counter/correct excessive positive. But in any  specific period,  imbalances in the yin/yang mix is possible that results in excessive yang or yin. Excessive negative (yin) if not controlled or corrected by intervention will result in extreme negative consequences.
Therefore one should not accept evolution as perfect and should always IMPROVE and strive for perfection.  Thus IMPROVING YOURSELF.


So how do we create the perfect world? What are the basic rules? How do we solve all charity problems in the world? How do we create everlasting peace and harmony?


  1. Consideration for all in ones thoughts, speech and actions
  2. Love and compassion for all people with the MODEL of treating all people the same way parents treat their kids or one would treat his brother/sister.

To Love means to HELP, to EMPOWER, “to criticize to help”  with a positive intention, not “to mock,” a negative intention.



Therefore another reason to improve yourself is to improve others. Create YOU, share YOU, give YOU to IMPROVE  others.




















Episode 3 PASSION


The raw library theme is love your work, love your play, and if possible, PLAY=WORK


The spin u have is when one gets too PASSIONATE, one becomes OBSEESSED and is potentially wrong or dangerous as it may engender LACK OF CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS while achieving success blindly.


This is actually the evolution, positive and negative is not perfect idea again as in episode 2.


“First one should recognize that evolution is not perfect. And it is wrong to accept whatever imperfection or societal wrongs as part of natural evolution and therefore do nothing about it .  Positive (yang) and Negative (yin)energy exists in the  universe to create balance with the negative energy acting as necessary self-defense mechanism to counter/correct excessive positive. But in any  specific period,  imbalances in the yin/yang mix is possible that results in excessive yang or yin. Excessive negative (yin) if not controlled or corrected by intervention will result in extreme negative consequences.”


And it is also the CONSIDERATION play- to create the Perfect World, law number one is CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS in all thoughts, speech, actions.



So much PASSION that you lose that PASSION. 

You become so blind to success that you lose the  love and consideration for others.



Episode 4 Success


The raw library theme is to succeed in your life, you must PLAN, CONNECT , and ADVANCE. There is no short cuts to success.



You have Shock Value as the spin. Is shock Value for Success ok? Does the shock value

have a positive Purpose? Does it have negative ORIGNAL INTENT?

So if it has Positive Purpose but negative INTENT , is it OK?

The answer is NO.


One should compete based on YOU – on substance, skill, knowledge, experience, wits, talents, ability to work with others, love for others, the love to SHARE YOU.

And not some shortcut inconsiderate shockers.


In business or in art,

Shock Value purely for the sake of Shock, to attract ATTENTION to self using CONTROVERSIES is

  1. debasing – prove that u lack the normal talent to compete
  2. lack of CONSIDERATION for others, for the parties hurt and insulted in the CONTROVERSIES.
  3. lose respect from critics and peers in the long run. Progressive People don’t do business with Shockers with negative intent and no consideration.
  4. you lose YOU. No respect from anyone. When you lose YOU, you don’t succeed.



To win at all cost you must first lose at all cost. 

Lose yourself, lose your ego, have consideration for all others, serve all others, love all others. To be successful in business you must first be Successful in Life.

Success in Business = Success in LIFE first.



Episode 5 HELPING

The raw theme of the library is when u help others, you help yourself. Because when you help others, you share your love, reciprocate love and that process COMPLETES YOU.

A COMPLETE YOU is NOT just discovering who you are, knowing your purpose, improving yourself to go after your passion, purpose and success. It is also using your talents, using YOU to HELP OTHERS.  Through HELPING OTHERS, you share, and give YOU. That reciprocates LOVE and LOVE being a selfless energy COMPLETES YOU.


The spin you have is sacrificing ego and pride to beg to help others  at the risk of humiliation and embarrassment and potentially face heavier consequences like loss of pride and business.  Pride and certain level of ego is necessary for confidence and achievement in life.

This spin posts a larger life question: Is love and compassion more important than ego and pride?

 And a even larger more critical question under the context of “rules and structure” is : when does one break the rules and  allow compromise so that love and compassion takes priority?

What happen to accountability then? Where’s the balance? Much like a capital punishment issue. Also much like Mother Theresa initially pissing off the Roman Church  by begging for food in India to solve hunger until finally gaining approval from the Church.


The answer is LOVE and COMPASSION is priority and come first above ego and pride and  rules should be broken as long as there is CONSIDERATION- that  no unintended negative consequences such as sending the wrong message that wrong doings or inconsiderations are allowed or be tolerated.


Love, compassion and consideration always come first in structure or rules in LIFE.

LOVE  = a selfless energy, to be selfless, without EGO.


The other spin you already have is  treating a stranger with the love of parent to child MODEL or brother to brother MODEL.


You could also throw in

  1. charity as a everyday thing, not just for Christmas
  2. The perfect solution for all charity problems is to “pay it forward” – get one person to help the next person closest in proximity. And have that person pay the effort forward  by helping the next person in need. Mathematically, this formula solves all charity problems.
  3. The power of the collective in web2.0 = even $1 by each unique individual adds up pretty quickly and powerfully collectively on the web.







Helping others is selfish. Because Helping others completes YOU.

To be selfish, you must first be selfless, without ego.

Helping others= helping yourself. Loving others = loving yourself.



Episode 6 – LOVE


The raw theme of the library is


Step 1. DOING = loving yourself ( because w/o loving yourself, u cant love others as you cant appreciate yourself and others)


2. Helping others = Loving others


3. Love = loving yourself AND loving others, which in turn equals Completion of YOU, Completion of LOVE

        YOU as never isolated, always intertwined and connected with everyone and anyone at all times.  LOVE as a selfless energy that encompasses  all, never isolated, as isolation equate non-selflessness and incompleteness.

        It is this experience of this COMPLETENESS of love that makes u see love and relationship in a new light.


Spins :

1. Why is it important for me to  love everyone?

Answer: One has to recognized that love is a selfless energy that encompass all, never partial, -with partial as incomplete – thus the importance of loving everyone, stranger alike due to the organic connection between everything in existence. The real nature of someone who gives is kindness and everyone is kindness/goodness personified; you see and feel the same vulnerability in all others that you feel within yourself. Therefore kindness to yourself leads you to kindness towards others. When one recognized that we are all one and the same, when we give to others, we are giving to ourselves.

One never fully complete  oneself until all others are fully complete and empowered


  1. Must I love everyone more than I love my soulmate or myself?


        YOU are never isolated, always intertwined and connected with everyone and anyone at all times.  LOVE as a selfless energy that encompasses  all, never isolated, as isolation equate non-selflessness and incompleteness.

It is this experience of this COMPLETENESS of love  that completes  YOU that makes u see love and relationship in a new light.


Thus, until YOU LOVE ALL OTHERS (selfless), YOU cant LOVE YOURSELF since YOU(selfish) are NOT COMPLETE. And if you are not complete, the love between you and your soulmate is also INCOMPLETE.


  1. Is my soulmate right for marriage? 

The person is right if both enjoy doing small things together, the little things, and are companions who enjoy the chemistry of walking, sleeping, eating, small chat together instead of the big pow-wow sexual attraction, appearance and short term infatuation.

In the end, all infatuations and sexual attraction will die out and what holds the relationship together for life is the companionship – doing the small things together.


4. So common complaints among lovers and argument against the above view pt.

“If u love others more than u love ur soulmate, then that’s not really marriage quality love since it is not absolute”

The counter argument to that is until one love others and everyone as a whole- as one- one never quite completely fulfill his essence of self and therefore never truly COMPLETE YOU and understand  himself. Nor will he understand his choice of soulmate.

Couples who understand the above will never have such complaints.


5        Idu version of LOVE and a NEW YOU is NOT just based on a new empowered you, a “doing” you, or a new successful you.

It is also  NOT just about “you don’t know what love is and  who your soul mate is until u love yourself first”.


 It is about recognizing the fact that we are all different and unique in our own ways but at the same time we are one and the  same. It is about loving others, helping others the same way we love and help ourselves.   Until we feel and share our love as one, the SELF  is never truly fulfilled/complete. And it never truly discover or experience  the COMPLETE version of LOVE .







Loving everyone is not love. It is COMPLETION of LOVE.