The Alternative Version of the idu Puppet Shows- 6 episodes, Lee's Version


The Idu Show – The Ultimate Web 2.0 Burrito


Ep.1.0)”)))     Discover You – “doing without doing” – Fighting for the ceo job


Hanging on door – IDU web 2.0 interview day 1


Mgmt Rm  - surfer Owen, the interviewee for the Chief Creative Officer job, staring impatiently at a green colored skittle lying on the table, while  spunky Scarlet, the interviewee for the CEO job  is sitting next to him, shy and uneasy.



Owen: U think I should… .i mean u want a skittle? 


Scarlet:  no , no ….go  imean , I m not a skittle person, no I mean green is not my color…..but yeah…we ve been waiting for 40 minutes now  …yeah u might as well go ahead!


Owen: ..ok…


Looking left , right, but Before Owen can reach for the skittle, Scot puff out from below from nowhere – scaring the shit out of Owen and Scarlet


Scot –Boo! I m the Kasamba of green Skittles, no one touch that!


Owen : Ahh..! whoa..whoa…  ! ok ok I didn’t touch it , ididnt touch it its still green… imean it is still there I didn’t touch it!


Scot: Caught You!  (extending his hand) I am the new Ceo of Idu , nice to meet you.


Owen staring at Scot and Scarlet in disbelief : you , you what?


Door knocks, opens comes Sandra the receptionist,


Sandra: you have ten minutes before the next interview Scot….


Owen, settleing in slowly, starts believing :  ok, ok but you are ….you are


Scot: a puppet?


Owen: yeah, yeah, a  … a puppet!


Scarlet:  And I m here for the ceo job? So how could u be the ceo?


Scot: well, I  just took it ! jobs sure goes fast in the web2.0 space!


Owen and Scarlet stare in disbeliefs

Scot: And yes I m a puppet! I m sorry, I forgot… my name is Scot, Scot Nasty (showing his Nasty ring)


Fade out, - Idu Song on Discover U –doing without doing


Zoom into eyes of Roxanne


SOLO:  Roxy: 4 mths! It has been 4 mths since Mat and Dana were fired…and we are still without management….its about time that IDU   got themselves a new ceo and I m totally psyched in getting that job!  I mean…look at the bozos wanting that job..


Camera shifts to applicants waiting in the reception area with 3 applicants plus 3 puppets

Goober with peanut butter sandwich, Gene with brown bag, Will reading comics


SOLO  Roxy: Well…I m a overachiever, always have been , always will be , and I get things done. Whether its running marathons or eating hot dogs, I always try to be first. Nothing but first… I m ….oh here is the picture of Mat and Dana (holding up a dusty picture) ..the previous Chief creative and chief operating officer….they were the ones who hired me and a few others about 5 mths ago to do projects for IDU …and before u know it they were laid off …well talk about web2.0 wasp speed …u either perform or u r gone..and that’s why the company needs me!  The Person who get things done! No matter what!…


Interrupted by Sandra whispering to Roxy : We got a new ceo….its Scot Nasty…


Roxy:  what!, Scot is …wait…no! no , not that….. SCOT ~!!!


Roxy running towards the mgmt office.


Applicants staring at each other


Scot: So any qns homeboys ?


Owen: what exactly is IDU?


Scot: well, IDU is the next level SH*T 


Mica: um no, no IDU is about life and happiness..and


Scot cut her off rudely : Yes! IDU is the next level shit toward happiness!


Owen and Scarlet  ok…and  what do u guys do to …


Scot cutting them off again:  yep, no shit, we sell u the ultimate high beyond the kumbayas of the world..and..


Mica, embarrassed and quick  no , no …what Scot is saying is .idu is .about feeling that feeling… I mean discovering who u are , your purpose, love and how all that makes u ……


Scot cutting her off again: makes u feeling bing bang hipily cum  and wanting for more


Mica shaking her head


SOLO: Mica : Hi I m Mica, I was hired 5 mths ago by idu, I mean me and 4 other puppets by ….oh yes Mat and Dana,   to work on this web20 project.. to try to bring happiness and love to everyone.. …..and what? What is my role?   I usually play many roles, I mean…look this is my diary and  all my ideas is in it…ok just to show u , pg 102

Doing without Doing is to fly like a duck and  pretend u are a swan and ……..oh ok later we read this…what?……who is Scot? Oh that’s right, before I forget…Scot is sometimes very bossy and assertive of his views of what idu is…..i mean he is from the streets,school of hard knocks u know and sometimes talk in a way that really twisted what idu really is


Back to mgmt rm


Scot: Well,the ceo job is taken , but we r still interviewing for the Chief Creative job and Chielf Operating  job, so r u guys intere……


Interrupted by Roxy bursting thru the door


Roxy: Scot! How dare u ! how dare u take over the ceo job without ….how u think u goin to get away from that?


SOLO Mica:    Ever since Mat and Dana were fired…what fired for what? I m not quite sure….from what I heard ..umm ..something like fired for not “doing without doing” – some eastern jargon I don’t quite get yet….yeah..oh anyway, ever since they were fired….only the puppets were left, me and the 4 of us and we were told to interview for a new ceo, chief creative and chief operating office. And we, the puppets could also apply for those positions as well. Yep, its kind of messy, we interviewing ourselves…



Scot cutting her off with a piece of fax : Ah hah! Here is the order, directly from the founder of our company: Grand master lee  with the cats paw as the authentic rubber stamp!


Roxy staring at the fax with disbelief  : the cats paw looks real  and and ..but..i just cant believe it…I mean that he will choose u to be the ceo, of all people?!  I thought we goin to go over this interview process first! How is that…


Owen staring at Scarlet


Scarlet:  whats that cats paw about? U guys use cats paw as…


Scot cutting off again:  oh yes, we puppets use cats paw as signatures….


Scarlet staring at owen


Owen:  And everyone at idu is puppets? The founder…I mean grandmaster who?..i mean he is puppet ?


Scot: No no , he is not, Gandmaster Lee is our founder, he is just goin with the cats paw cause he is quite understanding….i mean he understands and accepts the puppet culture….


Owen staring at Scarlet disbelief


Roxy: I need to call Lee ..this cant be possible! 

Rushing out of the office


SOLO : Mica : Our founder, lee probably thought Scot makes a better ceo cause he understands the young people mindset better, I mean Scot is from the street….and he is loud


SOLO : Scot video spraying wall.


SOLO Roxy:   the only thing loud is his ass after eating  some Indian spicy chicken!


SOLO Scot: Well , what truly happen is I called Grandmaster Lee up and do my little song and dance about how we could motivate every kid a champion free style rapper on mtv  and how that will cure all the illiteracy on the streets and save the world and Grandmaster lee fell for it

And kaboom, here I m … ready to rock …what? Oh and lee did say Mica will be my Executive Secretary, to help me finish the interview process for the other hires…



SOLO Mica:  Well. The truth is that I was told to watch over him. Things he says and know..the whole loud thing


SOLO Roxy looking into Sandra:  I mean look at him, Scot Nasty, what kind of name is

That? What kind of name is that for a ceo ? All this kid knows is the negatives on the street, the booze, the sluts, the drugs, the  LOUD guns, the homeless, I mean people with no class  or Consideration or respect . Even Sandra here has more brains and class!


Sandra staring at camera

Roxy bursting back into mgmt office


Roxy: I  cant let this happen , I cant let a thug with half a brain like u be the ceo, I mean

You r so puffed out of your head to even do a proper interview?

Owen and Scarlet begins to look impatient


Owen: ok ok , I think we have enough of your know… can we get on with this job process?


Scarlet: yeah yeah


Scot: Appologies, apologies – but u wont be sorry not!  

Excuse now this plumy little margot (pointing at Roxy)

For life will start feeling like yogurt

Wet dreams like idu forget u not!


Scot: Ok ok  interview qns : so…


Mica: what about what is your sense of being?


Owen staring at Scarlet, comfused:


Owen: my sense of what? What do u …


Scot : She means your purpose ….whats your life purpose?


Mica: No scot, I said being, ididnt…


Scot: itsok ok , same thing…..purpose


SOLO   Scot:   Mica is this zen little hippie liked reincarnated new age dope  and sometimes she doesn’t understand that people don’t use words like that….i mean  she has this words, qns and theories, philo sunshine stuff in that little green diary of hers…what yes…u guessed it…the diary is made of recycled paper from Staples and …its all confusing and shit…I always tell her :keep it simple sis!


Owen : Purpose?   Gee..let me see..i m a surfer coach as well as a life guard at santa monica beech and i guess my purpose is  to ride the highest wave before  getting hit…u know surfing is a a high risk sports, and one of the highest goal of most surfers is to surf that highest monster wave before u die.. so yeah..


Scot: to ride the highest wave?


Owen: yeah  I mean.. oh oh sorry, I mean to ride the highest wave towards happiness!


Mica shaking her head.


Scot: explain kid…how riding that wave brings happiness…


Owen: well I mean todays kids are always on something to get that high, I mean

I just ride waves, all u got to do is ride that wave to feel the same high!


Scarlet impatient cut Owen off…


Scarlet: ouch..i think its my turn…  purpose to me is finding out what happiness is..finding out what makes me happy ….and to me happiness is love


Scot looks at Mica, shocked with hope for the first time today


Scot: ok…go on…


Scarlet: and yes and love is about how u love yourself  and how we should find ourself, discover ourselves so we should all be one with nature and how we should all go the forest and shut ourselves from this scwred up world of ugly mean people who like to srew each other lives , who r just mean and stupid and waiting to screw u one more time and …


Scot : ok ok  stop we got you, we got u…

Shaking his head


Owen pretty shocked…


Solo: Mica : I mean some people got a lot of anger inside them…Scarlet must have a tough life recently like being dumped by her boyfiend, or having bad parents, maybe she is abused as child, or maybe she got bad grades in school or may she is onto butt spanking and didn’t get her butt spank yet this wk……


Goober’s head pop out of the door with a bunch of cheeseballs

 and added: hey guys  I know how she feels, it is nice to be in the forest alone, one with nature, like a monk, trying to achieve inner peace with yourself..finding who u are , I mean I tried that once while hiking…not exactly the same …but cloes…I mean  no one hassling u, no mean society, no criminals, no pollution, noise, garbage,  totally Peace  - its almost like trying to throw this cheeseball at someones nose and still catch it my mouth…..


Goober threw  a cheesball at Owen’s face and caught it in his mouth


 Owen: u missed the nose…


Goober: its allright


Solo: Roxy : Goober is this crazy just out of college nimkumpoo who likes to make fun of people at any chance he finds…I don’t know why the company hired him in the first place…they said he brings  a new perpective , ways of looking at things from different angles out of his stupid nonsense experiments on people, I just think all the company need is me, moah and i.

Scot: Goober brother! Why u in the office? We aint announce u yet?


Goober: no its my time..u r running late my brother…and  there is 2 more u


Sandra’s head appear : yep, u have 2 more besides goober waiting Scot…


Scot: ok ok


Roxy punching in : at your speed of rapping anything , you will never get anything done..


Scot: pissed :r u making fun of my rap again..


Mica cutting in: ok ok stop u guys ….if u guys don’t stop…then we will all be better living in the forest..


Mica Solo:   u know  Scarlet is right about something….i mean Happiness is about love, all kinds of love…but to love others you must first love yourself

But to love yourself is not to lock yourself out in the forest to be in a false  peace with yourself , running away from your problems and people u dislike…..

I mean to love yourself is to discover who you are, your purpose, going after your purpose, improving yourself, constant Doing in life, 

It is to overcome problems and challenges in life by Doing , by doing so much it no longer feels like doing…like driving a car …. Or breathing…walking…eating..

And yes when doing become effortless : doing without doing  not avoiding , that brings happiness


Solo Gene waiting for the bathrm holding on to his budwieser brown bag:  oh! Part of life’s best part right now : waitng to release the gd old piss after a gd old trust worthy beer…Doing without doing….


Scot : alright, why don’t we jus bring em all in here, all at once


In came Will another applicant.


Scot : where is gene?


Goober: I think he is in the bathrm again with his brown bag…


Solo Roxy:  And who is Gene? My… I  mean look at that guy..he is one big bag of…who knows what…and  he actually lives upstairs above our office..with his wife and kid…….they told me he was hired for his ancient wisdom ….some lofty far in the cloud ompty dumbty ……he told everyone he is a life coach …well all I see is a drunk drowned in life…


Scot: So Will, looking at your resume…you do real estate and have a master in….let me ask the right interview qn…so are u against homeless bums sleeping under buildings?


Roxy: Dumb qn ! what does that qn have to do with what Will could bring to the table?

Seems that u have no.. imean zero interview skills, None zip, zippo. Cant u ask about how his strength and weakness , personality traits that could bring web2.0 to…..


Scot: Stop Stop, I think its important…I mean I m from the streets – the hard knocks…I need to know how Will deals with the kind I hang with…


Will: ok ok its alright.i can answer that….hmm lets see..i think, ithink….

(breaking down finally)  alright that’s it…..i cant believe I m doing this …I mean dumb qn…I mean …you are puppets!!!


Scot stare at Owen and everyone and nods


Solo : Will : I mean I have nothing against puppets….but its all stupid.. I mean …I mean I liked everyone ..i have friends who are gay, I have friends who are handicapped…I mean I love animals, I lost a cat 5 yrs ago…..but  what ? why it is stupid?

I mean its stupid, I mean puppets!? Interviews?


Mica: I think we should love everyone, the bus driver, the mailman, animals,  criminals….imagine if we love the criminals more, then they wont be criminals! 

Scot: so Mica-  I guess u are not for capital punishment? 

Roxy shaking her head:

SOLO: Roxy: Mica is not applying for the job! And why are we fre*king talking about capital punishment for ajob interview? See what I mean? Scot and his half smoked brain is this…

Mica: I think killing is always wrong, killing anything is always wrong….especially when there is a chance for the person to repent and become good…we should always try to help people become good…even evil people….we have to believe in goodness.. that people can become good, that people believe in goodness and happiness..that they were born to be good…. 

Owen  : what if they were born evil and remain evil after re-education? Do we then have a right to eliminate them? 

Mica: hmm… it is true that nothing is perfect….life is not perfect…evolution is not perfect…the balance  of yin and yang, positive and negative is never exactly balanced, there is always a potential for excessive extremes and overflow, just like anyone can be gay because he has more yin and less yang – evolution is never perfect…….any one can become evil given a harsh context, such as poor education, economic environment….but it is not entirely their fault, since we are all collective… yes we are all unique individuals but our lives is always intertwined, connected as one


SOLO Mica: And yes we all share the same blame when something bad happen to any one individual….it is our responsibility to help and educate anyone toward goodness… is our responsibility to love everyone, to provide anyone anywhere a gd education and economic environment…so I think we should never stop trying to help that person to become good…it is all collective..isn’t this is what web2.0 is about…power of the collective? Connecting the unique individuals? 

Scarlet : so I guess u are anti-abortion since u are so fond of life? 

Mica: no I m pro-abortion. 

Scarlet huh? Ok…why? 

Mica:  I think it is a woman’s right to have an abortion.  

Owen: isn’t that totally against your killing anything is bad jingo? 

Mica: that will depend if unborn fetuses constitute a life!  

Roxy who has been sitting there right next to Mica jumps in impatiently being a religious overachiever… 

Roxy:  How is that not a life!  U can surely feel it moving in there when u are pregnant..I was pregnant before and I had an abortion and have feel like shit ever since…. 

Mica:   If anything that moves constitute a life, then germs are lives, a poison scorpion is a life, the ants that u step on accidentally is a life….poison snakes are lives, the millions of sperms when man ejaculate are lives…the bean stalks vegetarians chew on are lives… 

Scot, excited, jumped in 

Scot: damn right!…it aint a man’s fault that one of tiny swim up to big mama! 

Will standing there shaking his head:

SOLO Will : see what I mean? Its all stupid

Owen: ok ok so how do u constitute whats a life and whats not? 

Mica: hmm… let me think…I think…. 

Gene pops out of nowhere , drunk, holding a budweiser, sitting there, cuts in dreamily. 

Gene: Oh..maybe  life is something that could think for itself whether to have a beer or not? 

Mica: right!! A life is something that has civilized thoughts and judgements, considerations for others…..rational thinking.. 

Owen: so what about stem cell research? Being pro abortion, are u against it or for it? 

Mica: I guess killing “unconstitional” beings to save humans is ok…it is like sacrifice, no?  I mean even some vegetarian eats shrimps and lobsters, fishes, sharks, whales….

I mean even the trees sacrifice their leaves so that we can eat them as vegetables…

  Goober being playful jumps in. 

Goober: so what about animals? Cats and dogs? 

Mica: cats and dogs are definitely “constitutional” since they have rational behaviors, civilized and have consideration for others…. 

Goober : so are the ants crawling and stealing my cheeseballs in my garage constitutional….these ants are so smart and  organized …they come in a straight line and leave in a straight line…they seem rational, civilized….  But they get stepped on by humans by accident everyday …is that right? 

Mica: hmm……like I say ….evolution is not perfect… 

Gene: but we sure could improve it and perfect it…doing without doing- the same way they could help make me drink more and piss less…or smoke forever without getting brain damage….hmm …like a constant high….hmmm…these damn beers make me piss all the time….like every 5 minutes…sorry…bathroom time.. 
Gene left for the bathrm

 Roxy cuts in a bossy manner 

Roxy : yes evolution is not perfect but that doesn’t allow u to write your own laws, to say what beings are constitutional and what is not…and killing a unborn baby that will become a full blown human being  is totally wrong!!! Coming from someone who believes in love, Mica, that is so without class and… 

Mica slightly pissed at Roxy and counter attacking 

Mica:  Well coming from someone who is divorced and had an abortion, I don’t think u know love too much! 

SOLO  Goober munching his cheeseballs: this interview process is goin nowhere…what a mess with Roxy and Scot…  but we will overcome our differences …..I mean happiness  is about dong without doing….doing without effort…like rollerblading ..rollerblading while eating tic tacs…doing so much that we get used to overcoming all our problems, people  and differences with ease .facing and overcoming ….and therefore finding your true inner peace… least that’s what Gene taught me…


IDU Song – this song is dedicated to the ants


Gene singing and pissing in the bathrm : Oh yes …doing without doing …feeling it ..feeling it all….ahh…. that’s it
















Ep. 2   Improve You! – Improve You to lose You  --- new web 2.0. directions


Hanging on the Door – New ideas ! Fast!


Scot pops out from underneath his desk again:   And yes! It’s a brand new positive day and I m still CEO of the company – IDU – where IDU is about U!


Solo : Mica  : after what happen last wk….Our founder Grandmaster Lee still have scot as ceo..well he feels that Scot is worth a shot in understanding todays youth better and hopefully come out with the ultimate new web 2.0 direction for the company.


Conference Rm


Scot: today …it is new idea day!  So any new idea to push IDU into a new kumbaya direction that no one ever done?


Scot looking around the rm full of attendance of 10 plus Sandra , all speechless


Solo: Roxy:  look at this rm.. I mean…what a mess..what gd ideas could come out of that half fryed scot being ceo?  What ? yes  ..i m not fine with it…but I was told scot is given a tight rope to perform or he is gone! Swhish! Gone as in sayonara! And I m the next in line for the ceo job


Solo: Mica : After last wk, Grandmaster lee basically calm Roxy down and convinced her to give scot a chance. And yes im still Exe. Secretary watching  over scot, watching his every move… and yes, everyone else was hired as temps for a few wks to see if they could perform and contribute…


Scot looking around : Ideas people ideas?!


Interrupted by door opened  , Will pops in


Will fuming : This is soo dumb..this is the dumbest thing….alright..sorry I m late ..


Scot: what u doing here? We didn’t…


Will: oh yes…I got a letter from Grandmaster Lee  himself …and yes with the catspaw …its all dumb but  I will be part of the team


Owen and Scarlet staring in disbeliefs


SONG – Improve You to lose you



Scarlet: well scot, since u r the ceo why don’t u start with  ur ideas?


Roxy rubbing it in: yeah, school of hardkocks…cmon


Scot: ok ok..we need new direction   , lets see Idu is about U  and and….(taking out a piece of paper)


Roxy shaking her head…


Scot reading from paper : ok idu is about u, its about finding out who u are, your purpose, improving yourself, to love others and love yourself and ….


Owen: ok ok we know all that , we know that for the hundredth time, but where is the idea ? where is the strategy?


Scot: well, well..i say  we go the streets and make everyone old or young, broke or shinny a hard core free style rapper…I mean Rap your hearts out ..rap to the world  your feelings about life, about U ! Idu is U, the Rapper de jour!


Will: ok .. But how do u …forget it …it s so stupid ! so stupid! Dumbest thing ever!


Owen : whoah  whoah whaoh..i mean its not a bad idea…except that not every lad is creative like  a p diddy or 50 cents …I think there has to be something simple…


Goober holding a bag of red spicy jalepena chips cuts in: Right! It has to be simple…like being Happy, like how to teach people to  eat the jalepena chips the right way , the happy way while staying spicy…I mean look…first  u smell the chip in your nose to fill the spice and then u munch on the left triangle and then u crack the right triangle and put that in your left ear so u don’t just smell it u hear the spice …I mean this chips r really alive and spicy …even though they r chips u know….so when people look at jalepena chips – they remember to live life fully!


Owen staring at Scarlet disbelief


Goober : why u want  to try some?


Owen: No ..


Scarlet: eel… I don’t eat anything that is still  alive…


Will staring at Owen , shaking his head….


SOLO Goober: Imagine if idu take my idea…then we will have all the nasty goodies for the next 2 mths to munch on….chocolate balls, cheetos, dorito chips, the honey and mustard ones…



Scarlet: I got it …I got it… why cant we start a “be happy, stay young forever  vegetarian” campaign  across the country , eat vegetables and stay young… and convince all the meat..i mean hamburger eaters of all the wrong things they r doing eating all those cows..and tell them how screw up they are in their heads and in their lives to kill and abuse those animals …that they are banished to hell forever..


Owen: whoah. Whoah whoah… but we r supposed to make people happy is pissing them off happy?


Scarlet: oh..i thought we are making the animals happy, not the people…


Sandra staring at Owen, shaking her head….



SOLO : Owen: I thought the puppets are interesting..but Scarlet …gee..what can I say..but there is something nice about her…..



SOLO: Mica: just when we thought we getting nowhere with any ideas, in come a savior!


Door knocks, in come Aura, the Consultant


Scot : whos that?


Everyone startled by Auras height  look up


Sandra: oh! I forgot…Aura is from a Kinkinsy, a very high level management consulting frim, hired by Grandmaster Lee to consult us of ideas and directions..



Scot: ok…ok..Welcome to Idu aura, where idu is about u – the rapper de jour!


Aura: I m what?


Owen : no don’t worry.. don’t worry, he means …


Will  shaking his head: This is so dumb! Why do we need another ….(trying not be rude) this is the dumbest thing ever! (fuming out of the conf. rm)


Owen: and don’t mind him….we r all a little … I don’t mean me…but u know


Aura staring at camera: ok….


SOLO Gene:  I  m not sure if we r at Jalepena or a vegetarian stealing my budlite…but I sure woke up when aura pops up


Conf. Rm


Aura: Ok scot…I think it will be easier if we focus on one key area …one key idu idea


Scot: ok , we have japlepena, we have save the cows, and and rap and rap and rap….


Mica: actually Scarlet’s idea is pretty gd, I mean stay young forever, be happy. If we could tell the world how to really stay young forever, which is to have a happy spirit

A spirit that constantly loves, shares, gives and help people….


Goober: But what if u have nothing to share, no money, no skills, nothing but jalepena chips?


Owen: Maybe it will be better if we focus on Improve, I mean improving ourselves, improving people’s mind, body, spirit so then they will have something to share…

So IMPROVE YOU is the idea…


Gene: Right …like improve yourself to lose yourself…like getting used to Budlite to lose yourself again in Sam Adams


Mica: Right! Improve yourself to lose yourself, to give yourself to the world, to share you!  


Owen shocked that things going well… looking at Roxy


Aura: that’s a gd idea…a gd start…


Scot: Roxy u have been quiet sis…whats your take?


Roxy: good


Owen staring , disbelief


SOLO Roxy: I m goin to save my breathe and energy from now on…cause Scot as ceo is

Going to fuc** up sooner than later ….so why waste my energy?


Scarlet: I don’t like that idea…why are we improving ourselves?…why are we telling the world to improve , shouldn’t we all be ourselves, be you, just be ourselves, be real … I mean the real you?


Goober : that’s true…we are just a product of our environment…of nature..of evolution we have no control after…..nothing is perfect…


Mica cuts in impatiently:   : hmm… it is true that nothing is perfect….life is not perfect…evolution is not perfect…the balance  of yin and yang, positive and negative is never exactly balanced, there is always a potential for excessive extremes and overflow, just like anyone can be gay because he has more yin and less yang – evolution is never perfect…….any one can become evil given a harsh context, such as poor education, economic environment.


Scot cuts in:  Damn right!, Cant blame the uneducated leper to become  a rapper!  Its all about rapper paradise…..rapping out the equality in inequality!


Mica:  But it is wrong to accept whatever imperfection or societal wrongs as part of natural evolution and therefore do nothing about it .  Positive (yang) and Negative (yin)energy exists in the  universe to create balance with the negative energy acting as necessary self-defense mechanism to counter/correct excessive positive. But in any  specific period,  imbalances in the yin/yang mix is possible that results in excessive yang or yin. Excessive negative (yin) if not controlled or corrected by intervention will result in extreme negative consequences.

Owen staring at Scarlet and Sandra at Aura in disbeliefs and confused…


Owen : I m sorry…u mean the positive to the power of two plus the negative to the power of three equals…I m sorry.. im trying to understand…u mean a gay should not be gay ?


Mica: No, no!  All I m saying is one should not accept evolution as perfect and should always IMPROVE and strive for perfection.  Thus IMPROVING YOURSELF.


Aura scribbling away taking notes


Sandra: why Owen, are u gay?


Everyone looking at Owen


Owen: Me? No, no, I mean I do straight things, dead straight, things like  surfing with hotties, going out with girls, having sex with girls, going to drink with the surfer boys, getting drunk and loud…..


SOLO : Owen getting real drunk at the bar shouting and yelling and hugging a surfer boy for more than abnormal amt of seconds.

Owen: that’s feels gd…oh yeah that feels gd

Weird look from the other guy


Scot nods : ok..



SOLO Scarlet:   I don’t see why we should change ourselves, improve ourselves… mean I like myself, I like who I m and that’s enough…..why should we even care about the screwed up  world who don’t care- I mean they abused and kill animals, eat them as burger, disrespect the environment, steal and kill …I mean why should we deal with this ugly lot?  Love and share?! Improve and Perfect the world? I mean give me a break…


Aura:  Improve and perfect the world ….hmmm…interesting…So how do we create the perfect world? What is the perfect world?


Goober trying to put his jalepena chip into Aura’s ear while she is asking Mica….

But he fails and Aura turns around…Goober trying to pretend nothing happens


Goober: A perfect world is one full of cheetos, rice puddings, skittles, m&ms and …well a world that is never hungry…full of daily goodie surprises!


Owen: to me a perfect world is the feeling when u r surfing that big waves with ur surfer buddies, that high…that constant high


Everyone staring at him…


Owen: oh sorry, I mean where everyone learns to surf that wave for mind, body and spirit.  Surf that wave to forget everything, those problems u have , whish , not there! Where everyone is friends, no good guys, bad guys ,just brothers and sisters. The waves is bliss.,..


Gene: I know what u mean…. Its like when u r drowned in Sam Adams …it s just laughters,  brothers and sisters, no enemies or war and peace bullshit, just bliss….just perfect



Scalet: A perfect world is one that will just fu**king leave me alone and my cats!


Scot:  u r into cats too?  There is  two of them…I mean street cats behind this office..


Scot staring out of the window into the garden at 2 cats


Scalet excited jumps out of her seat, runs to the window: Oh u r into cats too?


Scot: ..only Street cats..cats that r one with the street…


Sandra: I am a single parent so i know what the perfect world is s one that man will take on more responsibility for their sexual fantasies, like looking after their babies…


Roxy finally jumps in impatiently:  Why do we need man? Perfection is a world where the man stopping screwing up !  look at all the wars and problems man cause in history?

Have we not have enough?  I say perfection is when woman finally wake up and say : we are now in control! Buck off man!






Aura: ok  ok, why don’t we do a survey on the street , ask some strangers , ask them what

The perfect world is ….and then we will come back and finalize on what part we want the people to improve on…



Goober dying for adventure and fresh air jumps right out and zooms out of the office


Goober: great idea, bye!


Scot: alright boys ….lets break into grps and get to the streets….my streets….


Camera on streets – Will-goober, Owen-   Scarlet-


Will and Goober approaching a hot dog stand; a middle eastern guy


Goober saw the hot dog sign and runs towards it


Goober: howdy! Can I have a hot dog…


Will pulled Goober aside : we r here to work, not for fun, stop it!


Goober: ok ok , calm down, maybe we can get some free hot dogs with extra mustard and spicy onion and jalepeno with that extra touch of chili cheese and..


Will looking at camera , shakinghis head , whispering to himself furiously, something like”I know it , I know it:”


Goober to vendor :   howdy!


Vendor quiet, staring at Goober


Goober: ok…so …nice dogs u have there…so do u think selling hot dogs create a perfect world?


Vendor: huh? What do u want ? one or two ?


Goober: no no , I m asking u a qn…


Vendor in broken english: are u a puppet? A puppet?


Will finally burst out:  I knew it ! I knew it! This whole thing is dumb! The dumbest thing! 


And Will walked away furiously, quickly leaving Goober behind


Goober staring at vendor…




Camera to Gene and Sandra : Gene  waving for a cab


Gene: this is too much work , walking around, lets get a cab and interview the cab driver!


Sandra being lazy as well…: good idea!


Cab stops .. Indian driver pops out, looking at gene : how big r u? u smell of something? Of booze ? sorry we don’t do puppets! 


Cab drove away. Gene in disbelief with Sandra shouting : I will sue you ! No respect! Just like my kids father….runs away at the first smell of trouble…


Gene looks at Sandra…


Sandra apologize : no no  I don’t mean u Gene…u don’t smell..i mean u r not trouble….


Gene holding on to his brown bag stand astill….


Camera to Owen and  Roxy: to a Jamaican lady selling cheap antiques on the street


Owen : hi how r u ? nice little antiques u have there? Where r they from?


SOLO : Roxy: Finally someone pleasant to talk to …a strong minded woman who makes a living all by herself , need no stupid man, or gangster, or rapper  to support herself


Jamaican lady:  oh they r from Jamaica, handmade, here …have a look at this one….


Owen toys around with a few of them  and asks:  so wont u make more money selling these in jamaica, why u selling them here?


Jamaican lady:  In Jamaica, u kidding…the whole country is corrupt, there is nothing for the people, the government don’t care…nobody cares, they just want to take what u have….  there is just not enough to go around, no foreign aid too …UN didn’t do enough


Owen : these stores around don’t care if you steal their business?


Jamaican lady: : no they don’t care, well imean they  care, but u know , these people have hearts, they r gd, they understand. Life no easy…not like those politicians who are afraid of outsourcing and immigration and open trade….they don’t understand, no compassion…people die of hunger u know in these countries…they only care if Americans buy more cars, buy bigger house…and when Americans get laid off they think the world is coming to an end….they don’t know, they don’t care…..


Roxy: that’s right girl, she is a  wonderwoman, she says the right things…these stupid man , stupid politicians, why we need them….woman rules.. 


Owen : so what do think is perfection? How do we perfect the world?


Jamaican lady:   perfection? U mean in the world? There is none…only problems.


Owen : no no I mean IF there is …what would perfection look like?

Jamaicanlady: I guess  more love and compassion….for all people , all kind s of people, where everyone is brothers and sisters……where there is no one left behind….then there will be no problems….


Camera to Scarlet and Scot  came to a local basketball court with a bunch of locals playing basketball


Scarlet : I cant believe Scot is bringing me to a basketball court..i thought when he said the streets..i thought he just joking… I mean look at these hoodems bouncing around, staring at each other….i m sure to get harassed or robbed soon…it is these people I need to run away from life….



Scot shouting : hey Issiah..whats up kid…?


Issiah leave the game he is having with 4 others and join Scot


Issiah: whats up homeboy…hey u look gd with that necklace and all that..why is that a new do? That ring?


Scot proudly show off his ring


Issiah: Nasty…o yeah i can see that , same old nasty Scotty, kust in different skin…so what brings u to this part of the hood? Oh I m sorry, a nice young lady, excuse me,


Issaih show his hand to Scarlet


Issiah : Hi  the boys name is Issiah and u are?


Scarlet softly: Scarlet


Issiah: what? Oh  oh .Scarlet, nice name , peace!


Scot : well I know u will be playing ball at this part of the hood, so I pass by and pay my respect.


Issiah: cool cool its all gd…


Scarlet getting impatient at her surrounding: Scot can u ask the qn so we can….


Scot:  ok ok so Issiah my boy, what is …what is …basketball to u?


Issiah: huh?


Scarlet impatient: no no he wants to ask u what is perfection?


Issiah : what? Perfect what? Oh oh perfection? What ..this some kind of joke? Trick qn?


Scarlet: no no we are doing a project about YOU and perfection.


Issiah about ME? I aint no Michael Jordan …


Scarlet: no no I mean not bout YOU but about you and about EVERYONE, about LIFE and Perfection.


Issiah: oh oh ok, igotcha   well lets see….from a bball player in a hood perpective huh? I get it ..i get it…let me think…umm


Scot:  don’t fail me now kid..bring glory to the hood


Scarlet staring impatiently, knowing nothing gd is coming out of Issiah….


Issiah:  well..lets see.. yeah..perfection in life…. its all about teamwork…I mean life is like basketball is about teamwork, you know, watching out for each other, watching each other back, helping each other out,   passing well and try to score one for the team… and yeah…consideration…in basketball, be considerate on how your own actions affect others.. caring for other team players….yeah I mean we yell and shovel at each other  but u know…. for our own gd , not cause we want to curse each other , but we trying to help each other, make ourself stronger  ……


Scarlet staring at Issiah and Scot in disbelief


SOLO : Scot : u right! Its all about improving others! Ok…Score one for the hood. Issiah sure make me proud.


Back in the Conf    rm after a days of hard work and walking around


Camera to Aura


Aura: so what do we have?


Loud snoring heard from aura’s angle 



Camera to Gene snoring , eyes closed. And Goober trying his Jalepena chip again on Gene;s big ear with Owen helping him lift the ear…..


Mica reading from her gren diary: ok we learned that you cant get a hot dog from a Mexican with no money….and Indian cab drivers don’t like puppets…no imean is it just Gene or puppets? Or maybe his smell or size or….oh im sorry…. And we learn  from the Jamaican lady that love and compassion and treating everyone as brothers and sisters is perfection and fromn Issiah, the bball dude that consideration for ones thoughts, speech, actions and helping each other  is perfection…. and  also that Will is missing…his last words: this is dumb!


Aura: so to summarize , the new direction for our company is….



Scot : to spread love and compassion  with consideration to all parts of the world on the web…thru rap and basketball…by making everyone a hoodem , a rapper or basketball player….to improve their ….


Mica: stop…


SOLO Roxy :I mean I totally agree with our new direction on the web…I mean love, compassion, consideration, to help and improve one another like brothers and sisters….to improve U to lose you….to share you, to give away you! Its great .

But I think we can do it better without Scot. And without man.


IDU song –Rap version   from scot- p.s. at the end of song

Scot: by the way, I told Issiah to say exactly what I told him to say…Not bad for a hoodem ceo huh?



Camera back to Garden with Goober and Scarlet trying to get the two cats to leap up to a jalepena chip tied on a string 12 ft high..


Goober: cmon homeboy , u can do it, u can get it…you are from the streets..


Scarlet: cmon kitty , it s not so tough


SOLO : Goober : I don’t know why these knuckle heads are trying so hard to figure out a new direction for the company. What about a new world guiness book record? That will attract the attention of the world !  How about just Improving cats to jump to new heights for a jalepena chip? Or honey mustard with onion? Or spicy buffalo cheetos? Hmm..spicy buffalo…hey Scarlet, is that in the guiness book under cats?













































Ep 3. PASSION – So much passion equals no passion!    Getting web2.0 rolling


Mgmt Office – Hanging on the Wall – today is action day!


Zoom into eyeballs of scot


Scot :   Yes, it’s a brand new day at idu where IDU is about U and guess what?

U got it kid…I m still the ceo!


SOLO : Roxy: well Not for long! today is also evaluation day from our founder Grandmaster Lee …its already 2 wks since scot turns ceo and we did virtually nothing…nil, zip,   and any minute now the fax is goin to come in  to get his ass fired !


Conf Rm  camera on everyone


Scot:  ok  guys today is evalution day, so I need everyone to tell me what they have accomplish so far in this last wk…..


Camera goes around rm:


Scot : who is goin first….


Gene snoring wayside….


Scot: Gene! U tend to like working in your sleep so why don’t u go first….


Gene half eyed: wha! What ? we ran out of beer?


Sandra helping gene out, whispering : No no …Scot is asking u what u did this wk for the company…


Gene: Oh! Besides making sure we have stacks of beer stored in the basement ….i mean we tend to work late a lot…. I ve been making the office smell more positive by burning this incense I got from the Bronx …it is call Tiguana Smell Positive incense…I mean people have been complaining that this office smells everytime they walk near me…. So I thought…anyway its suppose to make u think positive after u smell it!


Owen staring at Will – almost knowing what Will is goin to say next..


Owen stopping Will from saying: No nope, its ok…its ok


Scarlet:  Well, we know what idu is about u, and love, compassion, consideration and ..and …what  Owen…oh yes  improving u to give u away !!


Scot and Mica nodding …….


Scarlet: So what I did  all wk was Improve the garden outside , make it real nice and neat so that the cats can  have a beautiful lounge to play with  each day. Talk about feeling our love and compassion while saving the environment !


Scot shaking his head in disbelief…


Scot : I m asking u guys to do something positive to run our web2.0 buisness…how is all these making money or bringing traffic to the web?


Goober cuts in :  that’s right ! at least what I did will make us money. I went out and bought all the hagen daz  green tea ice cream with my own life savings and store them n the fridge right here…


Owen staring at Sandra


Goober:  because I read that they are going to stop growing those grren tea due to some environmental protection …so when that day comes…we might be able to do a Green tea and U 2.0 and sell those ice cream on the web for a kaboo amount! And guess how much web traffic that day will bring!


Roxy shaking her head….Scot bang his head on the table..mica shaking her head…


A BEEP BEEP were heard…


Roxy: that is the Fax!  That is the fax from Grandmaster Lee.!.


Sandra chasing out of the door: I ll get it!


IDU SONG – PASSION –too much passion is zero passion


SOLO : Roxy : here comes the fax everyone is waiting for….scots last day…my day of glory…


Scot reading from the fax…



Scot:  From Grandmaster Lee Scot, ceo.   Dear Scot and guys,  it has been 2 wks …lots of ideas …no results……same reason why the last management was fired..  lots of doing without doing… on nothing


Roxy nodding her head , everyone concerned


Scot swallowed and read on:


Scot: Before goin on to what is important a few comment on each one:

Owen: start using your charisma and get some sufer dudes sign up on the web already!

Scarlet:  cats and flowers are alive but they don’t use websites, so remember that

Goober: keep thinking out of the box! But stop forcing  the cats to break some world record and stop playing with gene’s ear.


Gene: Use your creativity more when u r drunk …your best ideas come easy


Will: it is not stupid or dumb

Sandra: tell Will its not stupid or dumb

Scot: Great job!

Roxy:  Stop bitching about man.


Roxy: U lying son of a bitch scot, let me read it …


Roxy trying to snatch that fax away from scot and succeeded


Roxy  tries to read it again …


Roxy: ok calm down everyone…. Ok here goes….everything scot said is true until

Ah ha –

Scot: where is the millions of  rapper paradise u promised me? I see only five rappers or 5 pictures so far on our web..and they are all u! in different disguise ?


5 pictures of scot shown


Roxy carries on reading:   and Mica: Keep looking after Scot and help him more!

Ah hah see …Grandmaster lee knows u r a fu*** up…

And  Roxy:  Stop bitching……


Roxy stops reading….embarrassed…


Roxy: how did Grandmaster Lee knows I bitching about man?  Who told him? Who did?


Roxy looking around…and then staring at Scot


Scot: I swear in my hoods name and in the grand thunder of rap  that I  aint swing so low ….


Roxy didn’t want to believe him but soft of did and starts looking around


Roxy: so who did?  Is there camera hidden around here? Secret cameras? I don’t work In a place that don’t respect workers privacy u know!


Everyone staring in disbeliefs, looking at each other…and finally


Will : I did….i told him


Roxy screaming: why did u do that ? because I m puppet?


Will: what do u mean? I have to tell him everything, he is my brother


Everyone staring at Will in disbeliefs


Owen: u r Grandmaster Lees brother?


Will: what!? U mean u guys didn’t know?


Everyone quiet, jaws open in disbeliefs…..


Will: See what I mean? Its all stupid, this is dumb! This is dumb!

Will storms out of the rm furiously


SOLO : Sandra:  Now it kinda make sense why Grandmaster lee will hire someone  like Will….And why he is here…I mean all he ever did was ..u know…”:this is dumb, this is stupid!”


Mgmt Rm with Scot and Mica


Scot:   well….at the end of meeting, I m still ceo of idu where idu aint about I , its still all about u…

Well u see(holdig up the fax), at the end of the fax it Grandmaster lee didn’t say I was fired…it just says this is your last chance team, and scot get your rap together or you know what…..

Yep authentic cats paw…always verify that…


Mica: I think this is really your last chance scot…I mean OURlast chance…so he didn’t bother firing you or anyone….


Scot: No sis…Grandmaster lee is a wise man, he see me as a puppet of passion…a  puppet of the arts….a puppet of our times..he aint firing some street rapper who..

Wait passion…hmm…that’s it!  Im passion….. I equal passion and yes…Passion will bring us to glory


Mica: what?


SOLO    camera on Roxy talking to a guy

Roxy:  I understand why Grandmaster lee is being nice with scot, generous  about giving chances,    and I know I m  still next in line if he f** up again……..But cant u see , scot is a Fuk ** up, I mean he cant even ask simple interview qns or give simple orders, all that come out of his mouth is some bullshit rappily crap,, we will be 100 times more productive and proftablre if I m ceo today,  now ….and u don’t have to give me as much stock options…so so can u pls tell Grandmaster lee….


It turns out Roxy was talking to Will…..


Will silent, whispering and then : puppets! Puppets!  This is dumb! Dumbest thing ever!

And he stormed out again


Conf. Rm – scot-mica with everyone


Scot: ok gang…(with a coarse voice)…hum hum …well we know idu is about…hum humm……shit I seems to lost my voice, rap too much….ok Mica u go ahead…..


Mica: ok  guys…we need to come out with ways to make money and brings lots of traffic fast to our website  so we need to take our ideas to action FAST!   So we know idu is about u,  loving yourself to love others, its finding out who u are, your purpose, Improve u to lose u, to give u away, doing without doing….


Everyone nodding…Gene wearing a straw hat dozing off at far corner,  Goober drinking his new green aloe tea, playing with his straw……and a white cat shows up next to Owen….


Mica: But we forgot passion! We need to tie all this to passion! We got to use your passion, the public passion , use everyone passion to fulfill your purpose, to improve u, to share and give that passion away, use your passion to help others!!


Scot still trying to speak:  yes! Passio…cough cough we need to…cough

Ok ok I cant speak anymore…form now on …(looking around )….Owen …u r the interim ceo on my behalf till I speak better….


Owen look around: me?


Roxy: u cant do that! U r the ceo, u cant….


Scot shrieking his voice: sure my balls I could…I m the ceo, I have the power to delegate my power to someone interim…go check the Puppet CEO Directory on amazon..oh we have one on  the shelf….


Camera to shelf


Roxy: u ..u..



SOLO Owen excited, loud : not in my surfer pants dream do I think I will ever be ceo one day! I will show u what I got! Oh what? Interim? Yeah..What does that mean? Spell it again?


SOLO Roxy: that’s sleeze of Scot to pull that out of his smelly hat…I bet u he lost his voice on purpose so he could dump it on in case we fail this next time, he can just blame it on Owen….


SOLO : SCOT: did I lose my voice on purpose? Cough cough cough cough(trying to speak)…water ..water…!


Conf RM


Owen : ok guess I m now inter—rum , inter..ok whatever , im now CEO

Will staring at him…goin to burst again.


Owen: ok dude ok and I will do my best to bring glory to all of u and


Scot coarse voice: cut to the chase kid….cough cough


Owen: ok so where were we…oh yes!   I need each of you to mention your passion and how we tie your passion to what idu is about, which is …which is …pahpilypah all the great stuff that makes u high….i mean


Mica: Owen stop using high, or words that means drug and bad things…


Owen : ok sorry sorry I m ceo now, I forgot, yes gd public image….ok

Yes where am I …ok ..we need each one of u to tell me how your passion could bring out the peoples passion and how we goin to make lots of money!


Owen: so


Goober: well I have many passions…rock climbing, bug hunting, turtle riding, eating all kinds of chips, but my real passion is making films…making all kinds of films, documentary, horror, action, mystery…


Owen: ok ok stop…choose one passion and tell us your strategy


Goober: I got it…we will make a mystery movie on our web about how a bunch of smart puppets run a web 2.0 company!


Everyone look around…..


Will : This is dumb. This is the dumbest thing ever!

And storms out again.





Gene:  Well is easy …passion…I like to drink and smoke and read lots of gd books…I mean I used to read….and I m a speed reader


Everyone staring at him in disbeliefs……


Gene: and I have a photographic memory, I remember every word of wisdom …..=well at least when I m not drunk…


Owen : ok ok gene..tell us your idea


Gene:  well ok … I mean I know I m most myself when I m drunk, I m most peaceful…u see u sure cant make enemies when u r drunk ….so why don’t we start a web2.0 to get everyone drunk all the time…in every part of the world ….that way we make only friends and no enemies and achieve world peace!


Owen: hmm….not bad…


Mica: but that’s not Improving….we r suppose to use passion to improve people…that’s just putting people to waste…….


Mica: well, I like to draw and write…see heres my diary, it has all my ideas and characters that I draw up….ideas thru out my whole life…on how to improve the world, how to help people….see pg 112  on the hoola dance – how we should all dance around topless with Polynesian grass hats and bikinis so that we recall our origin – origin of love and compassion and….


Owen:  okok we get it.


Mica:   and also i like to cook…(goober’s sleepy eyes got big)   I mean baked ..make all kinds of funky cookies and fruity fluffed bagels…


Owen getting impatient: ok ok so your passion is bagels! Next… Scarlet!


Scarlet: My passion is a world of no passion…where the world is quiet and peaceful where no one fights over success, stupid ambition  or passion! A world one with the green..with nature..oh yes I do have passion I guess…nature and the cats!


Owen:ok… and how do u use ur passion to help others and help us make money?


Scarlet:  I don’t know…well.. maybe  we could adopt all the cats and teach them to respect the environment by not shitting at nature…and we make money by


Gene sleepily cuts in : by selling the cats shit as fertilizer to 3rd world nations …


Scarlet: yes yes..

Owen staring at Will in disbeliefs

Owen :ok Scot, your turn ..


Scot  still in coarse voice  tell Mica to read from his writing : this , hum hum


Mica reading: ok hoodies, my passion is music and rap so how do I use rap to help the world? Here goes kid….


Here yo teachers and coaches,

Stop teaching kids like they  roaches,

Be a rapper, hipiliy clap

Teach thru humor and mo concept.

Hipily rap rap

Educate without educate

smoke without smoking

do without doing

 rap without rapping

 Doggy shag without fuc**ing

Hipily rap


Owen staring at Sandra…


Owen : translation pls…


Scot: ha! I knew u will ask for it! Not boyz in the hood aint boyz in the hood….

Well, cough cough , I hide the translation with Gene, knowing that someone unscrupulous is goin to steal my idea ( scot staring Roxy)


Roxy : what?! U…dirty


Owen staring at Gene, half drunk with his brown bag again…


Owen: well gene….


Scot: Gene…u still drunk?


Gene: yup… (blurb loudly)


Scot: Good! Gene u gd dog…. That mean u still remember my words…


Gene: what?! Your….oh oh  yes… it means  we going to high schools to recruit the teacher and mentors to become rappers, so they truly use  Proper tact and tone to communicate  to the troubled neighborhood kids better….so the kids can rap with their teachers….


Everyone nodding with surprise ……


Gene: and we goin to make the teachers and troubled kids to sign up on our web and spread Scot NASTY style of rap, oh….no no imean  to spread their style of  rap on the web and sell it on the web and we get a cut of  the whole hipily rap!


Owen  and Will impressed for once….wide eyed


Owen: ok ok gd idea….i think this is the best idea we got …so if there is no more ideas from u guys, we will take Scot’s idea and …


Roxy pissed at what is goin on


Roxy: wait wait, I have a better idea!


Owen: yes roxy?


Roxy trying to come out with any idea to stop Scots, speaking slowly


Roxy: my brilliant idea is ….is…..i mean my passion is about achieving success, to overchieve and excel in evcerything I do, to win in everything, excellence is my passion!

Winning is nothing…its everything! I will do anything to win!


Owen puzzled: And ?  


Roxy: And …and…. Well Mica’s idea is pretty gd…her bagel… delicious bagel…


Roxy looking at mica …..subconsciously for help……


Mica: yeah…I do like to cook…if we could only use bagel to help people..hmm…


All of a sudden, a stranger appear on the window of the Conference Rm…Scarlet saw it and yelled


Scarlet: eeeeeee.!!!


Evryone goes: what what


Mica:  ohj don’t worry! That’s just homeless Tim…he shows up once in sleep in our garden when it gets cold…we invited him to our office a few times under old mgmt…he is a little mental about his missing rocket ship made of poo….. but he is  harmless…


Roxy goes excitedly: that’s it!!!  Homeless! We will go collect all the unsold bagels from the bakeries and sell it to the homeless for ten cents  !


Mica and everyone shocked and nodding…..


Roxy:   and we will make the homeless sign up on the web to refer more homeless…and we got traffic and money!!! 


Mica: that’s right…and we will solve worldwide hunger this way!


Goober: the problem is most bagel stores wont give u the unsold bagels until days after it gets really staled and bad…..i  ask for free goodies all the time so I know….not a gd poo poo experience u know?


Roxy: so we buy the not so stale ones for cheap ! whats our budget?


Owen: $1 dollar for each idea


Everyone staring at Will in disbeliefs.


Roxy:  I get deal with $1, with $1 we will sell for $2 and buy more and sell more..on and on.. a piece of cake….i ve  done this a thousand times over…and with the homeless as referrals…1 refers 1 …we will be making thousands in no time…piece of cake.


Owen : Ok we have 2 ideas and we are goin to divide us into 2 groups for the 2 ideas…we are goin to test and pilot these 2 ideas tomorrow…


Roxy : don’t put me with scot, I mean …he cant even speak


Scot in harsh low voice: u got it sis…


Owen: ok ok …so Scot, u will lead Scarlet, goober, gene and will for the rappers idea

And the second group will be Roxy Sandra mica and I for the bagel idea


Goober and Gene complaining for they like food: Cant we be in the bagel grp?


Owen sensing the problem:  no nope…case closed


Goober and Gene sags


Roxy bossing in: and I will lead..our grp


Owen: I m the ceo


Roxy: the interim ceo..


Owen : yes the in te..rum , ok still the ceo so I wil lead


Roxy : ok fine ….but wait why is there 5 in scots grp and we got 4, that is not fair!


SOLO Sandra: we all know that Will doesn’t really like to work so  u know…Roxy is just being an ass about it


Owen staring at Will


Roxy : u know if we lose, we goin get fired cause they have one more person


Will: what is this…the apprenctice?   this is all stupid, dumbest thing ever!

And he walks out fuming


Owen: well…now we have 4 against 4…..


SOLO:    ROXY and MICA : 

Mica: I m glad to finally able to work with Roxy, someone capable of getting things done.

Roxy:  U see how scot tries to steal the spotlight with his stupid rapper paradise crap again?

I say its crap not rap! Full of rats not …


Mica : ok ok stop  he is still ceo 


Roxy: I m goin to nail this project once and for all, finally send scot packing…and show him what success is, what it takes to bring him that passion =success !


And what? Goobers concern about bagel being stale..i mean give me a break, we eat bad food all the time. U just got to take a bad shit and its over. Whats the big deal? U think the homeless cares if its stale? They r lucky to eat anything! Eat the stale bread or die of hunger! They wont know the difference! If it means selling stale bagels to win this task and make me ceo, so be it!


Mica shocked.


Success – power fame mony love

Success vs love relationship ?? is success necessary at all or just personal gwth

What if work is not play, success no t tied to passion

Obsession, Blind ambition, greed, ,  vs consideration for others

When is greed, ambition ok? ======Orighanl intetn/desire and necessity of pride.


SOLO Mica: I mean its gd to have passion and share your passion with the world, but when it gets to a pt that passion becomes to win at all cost, at any price  and cause  u to  lose that love and considerations for others – u lose yourself and u lose others.


SONG:  too much passion is zero passion – u lose u.


Sound of Roxy on the roof

Roxy : I will jump , I will jump if u don’t make me ceo! U guys hear me?


Owen and will runs out


Owen: what the ?

Will just stared


Goober rushing out with a chair where gene snores away.

Goober: No don’t jump roxy…wait….ok now its better….u can jump now…u should hit gene’s comfy belly,  u wont feel a thing…just remember that onion bagel u promised me…oops…


Goober left


Will looked at Owen and : this is stupid, this is the dumbest thing ever!

And he fumed out again.Owen stared and followed him


Roxy: helo….helo …anybody there?





























Ep 4 -  Success – To win at all cost, you must first lose at all cost


Camera on Mgmt office with sign hanging “today = success for Scot Nasty PAradise”


Knocks on door..


Scot:  oh..  come on in…


WhiteTeacher1 came in : hi ..imhere for the Teach thru  Rap and Get REALLY FAMOU
S project?


SOLO : Scot:  yes ! today is Teach thru Rap day and its Scot Nasty Rap Paradise happening day!  We goin to teach the local high school teachers on using rap to teach the troubled neighborhood kids….u know todays kids don’t like being lectured, learn, stay in school and all that…so I f we can somehow get the teachers to speak their language, we might actually  educate them thru Concepts and humor thru rap!


Camera back to Office with teacher1 trying to learn rap badly…


Teacher1: hey yo, master bee here…u aint hear me till u hear me say eat those words:listen to papa, swallow this…swallow that ….swallow my word…



Scarlet disgusted and Scot stared shaking his head……


Song –  winning at all cost….



Camera back to Mgmt Office


Scot: yup, we are here to use Scot Nasty rap, my rap, to  teach the kids , educate them, I mean its all about tact and tone, understanding the kids, where they come from….speaking to them on the same level …thas the only chance….teach them to take action over inaction, over complacency, laziness, shyness… just do the right things all the time….u get it..?


BlackTeacher2 nods hesistatingly……


Scot : you are black so this must be easy for u , so show me ur rap?


BlackTeacher2: yes show me the money, show me the love and I wont shove my words in ur throat ….and .,..and …..lets try to show the world my love ( this he sings  in loud pop blues)

Scot likes it in the beginning and then shakes his head in disbelief…..



SOLO Scarlet:   Scot makes the mistake that  getting teachers to master rap is a easy thing…..i mean it will be easier to get my cats to jump thru fire hoops


Camera back to Scot…


Scot : all right this is goin nowhere….no one aint goin to master my kind of rap…that’s why I m scot Nasty the king of rap….so i m  goin to be the rapper and the Teacher, we goin to teach these street kids some proper etiquette and culture….some love and compassion ….for ME! Scot Nasty!


Camera to Bagel store with  Mica, roxy, Sandra, owen


Indian Bagel store owner: no no we cant give u  the leftover bagels!!no no go away….


Roxy pissed : why not?


IndianBagel store owner:  I mean if somebody get sicked eating those bagels…we get sued….we don’t want to be sued …we don’t need trouble


Roxy strong headed : no one is goin to sue you…the homeless has no  money..they don’t even have energy to walk to a lawyer…


Bagel owner: no no we don’t need trouble…go away


Mica: oh… but cant u spare some bagels for the poor homeless….i mean I really don’t think they will get sick eating ur bagels…imean…


Bagelowner: easy for u to say….if I get sued who responsible? U ? u guys  gone in the wind….i m responsible …I get sued!


Owen trying to be smart: welll I m a lawyer…..i practiced law for 12 yrs…I will defend u if that happens….


Bagelowener not believing, staring at Owen wearing tshirt and sufer pants: u lawyer?…..which law firm ?


Owen stuttering: well….welll…Puppet and Muppets Esq. 


BagelOwner staring : yeah…go away go away time for this….


SOLO Owen: for this project, where our budget is $1, We decided to approach all bagel stores so we can offer them to the homeless for a cheap price like 10 cents..and hopefully solve hunger….

And we have been to at least 7 bagel stores and they are all afraid of this legal issue…..

Of food poisoning and getting sued…


Camera back to Mica begging….


Mica start begging: oh please…cant we just have some ….i mean we been everywhere….dont u feel sorry for the poor homeless? I mean I will  work for u for free if you could spare some bagels….


Roxy startled and tries to stop mica from begging:   Stop mica! What u doing? Don’t get so low as to beg this bastard? Cant u see ? he is a coward bastard who don’t care ? u beg someone like that!


BagelOwner getting pissed : what u call me? A coward bastard? Now go away all of u…..before I call police


SOLO: Roxy: I think its so wrong of mica to beg this guy…I mean its so without pride, without sense of dignity, self-esteem….how could u function as a person without any self-esteem?


Cmaera back to mica


Mica: oh oh I m sorry we don’t mean to insult u…we just want some bagels for the poor homeless…have some heart…..imagine..


BagelOwenr: I don’t care  about the homeless….now go go!


SOLO Owen and Sandra

Owen: no no I don’t think Mica is low without pride and dignity..i meanb I know her welll by now after all these wks working together….she definitely have pride and direction…i mean I m actually  touched and moved by her love and compassion for the homeless …and her willingness to sacrifice her ego for them…. I know I wont beg anyone….what? you asking “is it proper if the head of a nation would beg for food from other nation  for its people and loses his self esteem?” that’s a gd qn…..hmm…..


SOLO Sandra: when it comes to love/compassion versus pride and ego…..i mean mother teresa did beg for food for the indians in India when the Roman church initially not feeling right about the pride issue but finally agreed to it  …..I think the head of a nation should be respected by its people or by everyone in the universe …not to be looked down at…he did it out of love and compassion for his people…. Nothing greater than love u know……..


Sandra thinking fast cuts in: why if I show u my titees….


Bagelowner:  what tee what? What u say?


Sandra: my teeties….my breasts…B-R-E A


Bageowner: oh oh breasts…what your breasts?


Sandra: yeah yeah mine, nice and big


Bagelowner: no no not interested…..but I am interested in his breasts….(pointing to Owen)


Owen shocked: what? Me?


Camera back to Scot and team in rough neighborhood:


Rap1 about Breasts boobs


Scot teaching a bunch like 4 bad kids using rap: 


Don’t u disrespect those  big boobs,

Even of they aint same shape and size,

Respect and Tolerance from the books

No no disrespect

 For  the boobs come from the same coop

For the boobs come from the same mama..


BadKid1 staring at each other : wha u saying….?! What u said about my mama?



SOLO Scarlet: I cant believe I m back in the hood again with scot….did it once last time…but I respect scots energy in teaching these troubled kids proper etiquette …u know respect, politeness, tolerance , acceptance  and consideration and all that…..



Camera  back to Mica;s team setup with bagel stand for 10 cents for the poor


Sandra and Owen: Bagels for 10 cents!  Nice and puffy bagels!


SOLO Roxy:  I can t believe Owen will go so low as to show that bastard bagel owner his breasts….so without pride and self esteem…who knows what else he showed him!


SOLO Owen: I just showed him my breasts! Nothing else! I swear its all topless! Nothing wrong with topless! I go to strip clubs….nothing wrong with the appreciation of art! Of  the human body! 


SOLO Roxy: I don’t know what Owen did…but we got a great amt of bagels for our $1…for a hundred of them….and that pervert bagel bastard promised us thousands more….as long as Owen keeps showing up…


Camera back to mica


Mica:   well, sales is goin a little slow…..i mean these poor homeless has no money…we sold only 2 bagels so far…I feel so sorry for them…a lot of them are so hungry they could hardly walk or speak….i wish I could just give the bagels away…


Roxy: u what!!! No way, we only have a hundred bagels…if u start givin them away we wont make enough money to buy more bagels and we will lose this project!  I m goin to win this task and be ceo no matter what! So no way u do that!


Camera back to Scot  - rap on “so no way u do that


Scot: so No way u do that!

Anger and viciousness…

So negative no love that consciousness

For love selflessly truthfully,

Its all bout ”others and compassion first….

So put yo small ego and fried plantain  aside

And spread that rap of love inside


Bad kid2: wha? What u say about my plantain?  U saying I have a small dick ? Its that what u sayin?



Camera back to  Roxy and team


Roxy: shouting her lungs off: I m saying ….buy 1 get 2 free!!!! I mean get 3 free!!! Comeon homeless..come out from ur home …wherever u hiding…..


Sandra shaking her head: maybe there is a better way….what about the same trick? Owen why don’t u start stripping and dancing to attract more crowd?


Owen: what ? again!? I don’t think it’s a great idea….


Roxy excited cuts in: it’s a great idea!   I mean even the homeless gets horny…come on!


Owen stared at her in disbeliefs.


SOLO Roxy: what? Pride and dignity? I mean it is desperate moments…imean we have to win this task…owen don’t really mind…and if it means me winning or losing …its ok!


Camera back to Scot and team.

Rap about Pride and Dignity winning and losing


Scot: it aint about size of ur dick

It aint bout winning or losing

Its all bout pride and dignity

So speak up

Rise up

Against the laziness no more

Against complacency no more

Show that head of your mojo

Action over inaction!


Badkid2 pissed  : I will show u the head of my mojo alright….


Camera back to Micas team with Owen strip dancing on top of a box….


2 homeless shows up, farts/blurbs and left…


Camera back to Scot team with blubs and farts in scots face


Scot getting beat up and farted in his face while gene wrestle with badkid1 with Goober cheering him on with his icecream cone….


Scarlet shouting :police police 
to scare the boyz


Badkid1 running: go back to ur hood puppet! Or I give u more!


SOLO Gene with his beercan  : I know Scot is trying to teach the kids proper culture, etiquette, love and compassion, action over inaction and all that  but  too much shock value in his rap… like dick and boobs , so lack of concept, tact  and humor…..

Good artists don’t use shock value to promote their art – it s just insulting to their talent…. to use shock value like sex or violence…its like telling the world I m incapable, I don’t have mojo, I need shock  to get attention!


Camera back to Micas team


Roxy : this is not goin well at all…we only sold 8 bagels…


Sandra: and the bagels are getting bad….why don’t we just give them away like mica said and….


Roxy: that’s it!!!  We should give them away to the homeless so they can help us sell it!!


That’s it ! buy 1 and 1 free to sell to your fellow hungry brother or sister! Get rich fast! Never be hungry again! Make money selling our bagels! 

Who cares if the bagels are stale….they will all take a shit and that it…


Owen stared at Sandra in disbelief….


Camera back to scot taking a shit


Scalet: what u doing scot?


Scot: why never seen a puppet take a shit?


Scarlet: why… do puppets take a shit after gotton beat up?


Gene:  Well scot, this is goin nowhere…I think u lack concept and humor in ur rap….u piss people that way with the negatives…


Scot yelling: u what? U think Nasty Rap lacks what? Why don’t u give a shot if u thnk is that easy!


Camera to Gene rapping


Gene rapping with CONCEPT and HUMOR while  drinking:

  why  it aint the drugs that makes me drowsy

and It aint the booze that give me the smoozzz

It’s the smile and pride on mamas face that give me the buzz

The buzz that forever make me cozy!


Badkid3 surprised and nod: hmm…. Interesting …..i have a gd mama…whats ur name in the hood?


Scot and Scarlet in disbelief while Gene answered : the Purple Drunken Furz…


Camera back to Conf to Scot with a bruised face with Owen announcing the results


Owen:   Well Scot’s team worked all day and the  result is : 1 signup on our web, with $3 contributed by badkid3 thanking the Purple Drunken Furz for helping him see the light, thru his rap,  about the importance of taking action over inaction, love and compassion , being selfless, serving others with no ego,  bout  respect and tolerance, acceptance and consideration of all others at all times and he.. yes…. he accepts and tolerates Scot Nasty horrible style of rap…for now…


SOLO Roxy: yes ! yes! I m finally goin to win this one! I  will be ceo !



Owen: And  Micas grp sold 2542 bagels thru roxys brilliant campaign on helping other help themselves ….and made  …and made …zero dollars. Zero as in zip, nada.


Roxy in disbelief : what happen? Where is all the money?


Owen: because…because….cough cough…I …soar throat yelling all day selling bagels…cough …water! ….

Sandra shameless cuts in:  Owen and Mica bought more bagels with the money and gave all the bagels away!


Roxy : u  what!! I cant believe… u what!!!


SOLO Sandra: Owen and mica was afraid of Roxys bossy nature and so did it secretly…

I told them to just confront Roxy about it…to have the courage to speak up about doing something right…nothing more important than saving people from dying of hunger…sometimes positive anger and criticisms are needed to get the right things done, not hesistation and procrastination to maintain a false sense of wrongful peacefulness.


Owen: so the winner is Scot Nasty with 1 sign up and $3 made on our web!!!


Scot: yes!!! Scot Nasty is Dynasty!  Scot Nasty rules!


SONG –  about blurbing and farting


Camera back to owen with fax just came in after midnight…


Owen reading to Roxy  alone since everyone is sleeping


Owen: from Grandmaster Lee with his catspaw as authentic signature….he says:

Although Scot wins with $3, I declare Micas grp the real winner as they truly understand to win at all cost, you have to first lose at all cost, to lose that ego, and serve all others…for successs in business = success in life first and foremost…..


Roxy yelling hugging Owen: yes yes we won!!! I cant believe it! I totally cant believe…..

I will be ceo!  I will be….


Owen let go of hug as he is in pain…..massaging his nipples…


Roxy: what happen ? where u hurting? Ur  nipples? U mean that bagel bastard ….

U mean he….


Owen: no no! nothing like that! No no … imean its no big deal?












Song ends with blurbing and farting


Tact and tone – education mentoring, cultured and proper etiquette

Gene teachingConceptual humor instead of shock value


Artist Shock value  3 raps addressed

 scot got laughed at for being faked and bad teacher…

Scarlet, goober and gene gave it a shot,

gene succeded with one bad kid….

$1 made at the end(scot cheats I tunes) with one real thk you note with real help from gene



but no homeless could afford to pay, some beg, mica felt sorry but roxy refused

with owen and sandra’s help – give some away

made no money in end as give away exeeeds made and no web sign up


Though scot wins , micas grp declared the real winner thru fax


Song Success in life principles = success in businesses= lose yourself, lose ego, have consideration for all others (perfect world n.1 rule)serve all others, love all others




Roxy declare she is winner and ceo next





Ep 4 -  Success – To win at all cost, you must first lose at all cost

Courage to speak up against consensus, loyalty, faithfulness

Versus being complacent

A yearn for peace, Respect and tolerance doesn’t mean not speaking up against a wrong consensus

Practice of positive anger  over wrong doings and complacency

Positive versus negative criticism

Forgive versus not forgive based on accoutntability and structure


Shock value artist vs business ethics- scot




Success in life principles = success in businesses= lose yourself, lose ego, have consideration for all others (perfect world n.1 rule)serve all others, love all others


Issue of being cultured and proper etiquette = tact and tone


True freedom= responsibility to do the right things at all times and maintain consideration for all

It is perfection theat creates the freedom, creativity for growth – not the lack of it

Perfectionist -  tiger woods


Compromise = love/compasson versus rules structure  ep4 or 5?








































Ep 5  - Helping – Helping everyone is selfish, Helping everyone completes YOU


Office Door – Charity Month!  Give and u shall Receive! 


Camera to Will


Will: Well, well…I ….this is so stupid, this is so dumb …but I m the new ceo of IDU –where bliss is about YOU…


SONG   -   Help others to help yourself


Mgmt office with Owen


Owen referring to the paper on the door: Well, this is charity mth at idu! And yes, idu do this once a year to remind workers at IDU that IDU is about U – Giving!

Give and u shall receive!  And we really need to start receiving because business at our company has been real slow, our ideas sucked, and we are burning lots of cash….


Conference Rm with  everyone waiting for Will appearance as the new ceo  to speak as Will has never spoken more than his usual 5 words…..


SOLO Sandra: everyone here is real excited, not because of the turn of events where roxy is still not ceo despite having won the pilot project last wk with the bagels, but because Will is speaking for the first time beyond his usual five words u know:  this is stupid..this is dumb…


Conference Rm Will showed up finally in his usual demeanor

People claps, he speaks..


Will: Ok…I m the …I m the …ok ..this is so stupid, the dumbest thing ever…ok Owen u take over …u still the interim ceo….


And the office sigh at Will not being able to speak more


Sandra and people: that’s it!?


Owen shocked , took over and starts reading the fax


Owen: ok ok I m honored to be your in –terum ceo , whatever that word means, ceo again

And I m goin to read the fax from Grandmaster Lee regarding our performance last wk


Everyon looking excited:


Owen: Reading from FAX : Nice try on Scots Rapper- teachers campaign – revolutionary  idea, bad execution, scot u blow your last chance as ceo. 

Mica  bagel cure all hunger campaign – also great idea, so so results, but great show of hearts from Mica and Owen. Though I declare u guys winners, the results really sucks and Roxy – till  u learn the success in business = success in life, u wont be ceo at the meantime.  Therefore Will be ceo  till the day someone succeed in life to succeed in business at the company.

Gene : keep up the gd ideas… healthy but stay drunk…..your ideas makes more sense that way….

Goober: I have not hear one out of the box idea from u for a while. Has the south African phenol-purple bugs gotton to u?

And yes, idu is now vegetarian, adopting Scarlet’s idea of anti-killing of animals and of all living things…so only non-rooted vegetables allowed during lunch time- for the rooted ones also constitute killing of vegetables, of living things

Catspaw as signature. Fax ends


Everyone staring at a very haughty Scarlet in disbeliefs


SOLO Roxy  :  I totally understand what Grandmaster Lee is saying…..well I always have a tough time acting to be someone I m not…I m straight fwd with no bullshit…well we would have done better in the last project if not because of mica and owen giving all the bagels  away…

For this wks charity project I m goin to kick some ass with my own idea this time and no morons to mess me up. And yes…I will pretend to be more humane….


Knock Knock on the door

In comes Coco, a Save the Children non profit Counselor


Owen: well ….she sure looks …different…yup..oh sorry I mean  Coco is here to consult us, help us bring charity to the next level! I mean shes here to help us figure out how to merge the power of the web, the power of web20 and charity to make the collective power viral and powerful !


SOLO Scot shaking his head: I aint see how a sweet boby doll like her could have any brains, or ideas….


Coco: ok guys, who can tell me what is the biggest obstacle to people doing charity? Anyone?


Everyone dozing off, especially gene and Goober is seen catching a dragonfly flying around the office


Sandra surprisingly speaks up: Well,  I think the biggest problem is lack of time…I mean I look at myself..i m a receptionist, just like any 9 to 5 vers and I work 8 hrs, sleep 8 hrs commute and eat 3 hrs, and after a days of hard work , I don’t have the energy or the attention of anything really…I just want to be on my couch watching tv or talking on the phone……


CoCo : that sounds true, so is it just  a matter of making charity convenient and easy .. ok guys, first tell me if Idu has any formal charity plans or guidelines….


Mica excitely jumps in, holding a 1 pg idu charity file from her dary:   Here it is! The idu charity vision that I help created a few mths ago…..

To summarize, idu aims to overcome lack of time, complacency, by making charity easy, convenient and cheap thru the web , such as a $1 donation fun games, music viral campagins , And talking about having lots of fun and still giving, u could pay games and contribute to charity like cards or poker and shop at,  And it is not only about giving money, but also your time and effort , such as becoming a mentor or coach on the web or help fundraise for events? And even if you don’t have the extra money, time or energy, you could still  cast your vote to influence events politically and globally at or …….it just take a few seconds on the web…


Roxy aggressively jumps in trying to prove that she knows more than Coco : I think todays charity should be more competitive ! Why cant charity be like a sports or business with global ranking where philanthropists big or small compete for best ideas, most money raised, best collaboration and execution of ideas ? 


Coco : I think people usually give their money with an unconditional attitude and not expect anything back, so to make it competitive is making the ambience a bit unfriendly…


Roxy: Oh cut the crap!  Look at all the trillions of dollars lost in the internet bubble, the trash  that people willingly invested in and the trillions of dollars wasted throughout economic crises domestically and globally, like the s&l crises in the 90s, bailing out the airlines,the mortgage crises we goin thru now…..imagine if those money could be spent wisely, managed by the smartest brains and resources of wall st, venture capital world, private equity and the hedge fund, management consulting community, all the worlds problems would have already been solved in no time……if we could just collaborate on the web these people and money to utilize better ideas…..


Gene: damn right, if only they could figure out how to turn my beer piss into clean drinking water  then all I got to do is keep drinking my bud to save the world


Coco : That’s what the mirco-lending product is that come out of these people- these are new  product that raise money from the public to form small loans to small businesses in imporvish countries like inida and Africa to empower the local economies…..


Goober: u mean if I loan my cheesballs and cracker jacks to these poor folks, I get paid back with twice as much cheeseballs?


Scarlet:cutting in: well goober u just got to make sure that the charities u give your cheeseballs to are audit and qualified by – this website make sure that they are not scams……u know I hate to be scammed, I hate scum bags and ugly thieves and anything bad..,


Owen looking at Scarlet impressed…


SOLO Owen with Scarlet in garden…

First with Owen camera without showing Scarlet : u know..i have this weird kinky feeling for Scarlet ever since I first laid eyes on her …u know she has this cute lofty floaty weird feeling about her when she is stupid…..

But she looks differents when she acts smart…I mean she looks beautiful …but in a different way..u navigator and all that….


Camera to Scarlet WITH him


Scarlet: what do mean different? How ? In what way> And when am I stupid?


Owen:  I mean ..u look different ..well u know.,…(cut off by cmaeraman asking a qn) what?  Me ask for a date? U mean we ever dated? U mean u want me to ask now? (looking at scarlet, shy) Ok …fine .

Scarlet, would u take off your flowery dress to reveal me  your most sacred blossom ?

(Scarlet not shocked…)

Owen : ahhah fool you cameraman ……I already did ask her a few wks ago and unfortunately she is …she is only interested in Sandra.


Scarlet nods normally.


Back in Conf Rm with Coco and others


Mica keeps reading from idu charity vision: but I think the biggest problem to charity  is not money, or time but complacency…I mean complacency out of gravity, u know laziness or shyness ..i mean I could bump into a beggar on the street but because I m just too shy to approach him, I didn’t give him that dollar he needs although I really want to…. Or I m just too lazy and shy to walk that extra 2 blocks to give that dollar…its all gravity and subtle resistance of life that prevents charity from happening in our daily life…..


Coco : so how do u see we sovling that problem…


Mica excitedly : well that will be pg 205, …by making charity  a culture, a first thought, not second, a first nature, not second,  by making charity a natural thought, natural action. The same way we breathe, eat, sleep, walks without much thinking….doing without doing….charity is not just for Christmas, its a everyday thing…


Goober : u mean if helping people becomes like catching exotic amazon bugs or eating twisted lemon rolls with extra sugar and cheese and honey glazed with….


Owen: stop stop we got it …


Coco : and how would u make charity, helping people as culture?


Mica: lets see…that will be pg 145: hmm…. Besides already with web20 making helping people easy, free or cheap and effortless…I think if we could make a habit of always remembering ourselves to help the person closest to u who needs help, helping the guy next door and telling him to pass the effort forward, helping the next person in line closest to him….mathematically if one previledged can help one under priviledged, then all the world’s problem will be solved


Scot jumps in : is easier to say that when u aint from the hood…it aint helpin some brother in the hood if u just throw him a dollar now and then… I mean u gotta teach a man how to fish instead of just bringin him the fish…make a rapper out of him…don’t jus rap at him…


Owen: Right! Its about helping your neighbor to help himself!   That mentoring habit will make charity natural and effortless! Its really about loving all strangers like family, brothers to brothers, sisters to sisters, treating them the same way u would liked to be treated when u need help…..


 Scarlet: yeah….sounds easier than done…i mean …But to set that kind of habit to make charity culture? Mine I mean….i wont even dream of approaching anyone I dislike …forget about talking or helping that person…or even mentoring to the extent that he could fish for himself….


Sandra:     there has to be some kind of formula…I mean to approach a stranger and helping him?…I mean I look at myself like any other average 9 to 5 vers with a normal job and for a normal folk to approach a stranger and overcome the fear of the person being a bad guy or overcome the initial shyness….i mean it is not easy or natural at all…and trying to love a stranger u bump into for the first time….



Scot  jumps in :  Well like I always s all about Tact and Tone! With tact and tone comes courage! Sure it aint easy approaching a different kind!But that’s where Respect come in….and people should learn from the rappers on how to speak and rap differently with different people! Don’t just rap with your kind, Have the courage  to rap with different kinds!  And then u could  rap with any person and help him! There aint rap if there is no communication!


Mica: well on pg 112…I think Its also the media’s responsibility to set that kind of charity culture, I mean we are constantly exposed to our tv sets nowadays …if we could promote charity as the new cool and sexy….and lots of fun!


Coco : ok lots of ideas…before moving on to what u guys want to do for charity mth ….to summarize from our discussion so far….we know that our strategy is to be viral, lots of word of mouth , or we could use the approach of one help one, to pass the effort forward ….with or without the collective effort of web20…..and still after all that charity , make money for the company


So who wants to go first ?


Coco looking around. Gene nappng as usual and Goober playing his ear wax candle with fire lit.


Coco: how bout u Nasty…


Scot : that’s right Nasty Scot! .. im goin to stick to my boysz in the hood…I mean I m goin to empower them , to help them help themselves by making the brothers rappers de jour. Tour de force!    We goin to put their rap on our web and make them infamous and then filthy rich by selling their rap on itunes!  And then they can pass the effort forward to other brothers in the hood. I mean look at all the local gang violence, the the crimes, drugs, booze  problems in the hood…its all cause of no direction…no direction in the youngs peoples mind…if they could just focus on their passion, focus on Scot Nastys rap…and pass that passion forward, we will eliminate all those problems thru rap!


Roxy belittling: Didn’t u tried that last wk Nasty? And where did it all go?


Scot: No it aint like that… I made a mistake of trying to educate them with my rap….i realize u couldn’t educate the hood….u gotto make them rap with u!


Roxy shaking in disbeliefs …


SOLO Sandra: I like Scot’s spirit of never giving up on his boys…and that he really understand how normal street  people lives and behaves……so I m goin to help him on this project….


Coco: ok whos next?


Camera at rm now with goober sticking a ear candle into sleeping genes ear and both burning….


Roxy:   I m goin to do a Wonder Woman campaign – a womans movement, a self empowerment theme that woman needs nobody but themselves to be strong, independent and successful….And that they don’t need sex!  ..i mean think of all the single parent problems, divorce rate issues, abortion moral hazards…I mean if they would just abstain from having sex…we could…


Scarlet excitely jumps in: make them lesbians?


Roxy startled:  les… no !!  we could make them wonder woman – that woman is stronger than man, that they don’t have special urges or needs to get things done! And yes we goin to ban porn!


Coco and others impressed, some dumbfounded….


Roxy: imagine the numbers of woman this movement is goin to generate on the web and yes, for each woman that signs up, she will get a wonderwoman bra…


Scarlet: oh I like supergirl better…can I get a supergirl bra?


Everyone staring……


Coco uncomfortable looks around the rm where Goober has a guest homeless tim sitting right next to him trying out the ear candle with goober and gene…..


Coco scared: ahhh! Who is …..


Owen :oh calm down…that’s homeless tim, he is cool…we invite him from time to time cause he is quite brilliant at times…he was an artist..imean still is…just a little weird up there …


Coco: ok ok and whats all that sticks and smoke?


Goober : this is an ancient healing technique, call ear candling, you just light it at one end and that’s it! Its supposed to clean and extract all your dirty components in all parts ofyour head, body, ear, nose,lungs….. you just let the fire loose, its quite safe.


Gene catching fire on his fur as he was still sleeping…..


Everyone shouting fire as owen quikly push unwilling Will to hug  Gene  to put fire out…..


After everyone calmed down, Mica asks homeless tim if he felt the ear candle effect


Tim:  wha..effect..i thought its supposed to make me high…heee heaaaa haaaaa heee

No I m kidding…I m not that mental…yeah it feels ok , it kind of clean sup my nose and breathing pattern felt better on the veins up my brain….makes me  more floaty…like a bird….(he acts like a bird)


Goober: see it works!!! And imagine if we could provide this ancient technique to the poor and homeless  in exchange for mmms and skittles….we could solve the local affordable  healthcare problem…..


Mica excited : lets try this idea goober…give me a candle….


Gene yawns who just woke up from his fire…..playing with the candle


Coco : ok fire guy… imean gene…whats ur idea….

Gene: umm umm.. wait…give me a sam adams goober..yes the dark one goes faster.. give me 30 seconds!


Coco: what about  u Scarlet?


Scarlet memerized by Coco cuteness, starteld, : oh u takin to me..oh my idea…

My idea  is  I m goin to remind people in the world the importance of adoption as culture, the importance of love and compassion for the innocent poor babies. And also

 since I love animals because I love all things…..


Everyone staring at her in disbeliefs….


Scarlet: imean I love animals and I love all things who love animals…..i m goin to adopt all the street cats and dogs out there who needs a home!


Owen: but Scarlet…u keep forgetting that animals don’t use the web….


Gene finally drunk kicking in:  but u could put those cats and dogs on the web for adoption for a  fee….


Scarlet: thats right! Help the animals help themselves!


Everyone impressed at Genes answer…and the power of his beer..


Gene: and my idea? My version of doing without doing is to get the most results by doing the least …


Owen impatient : and that is?


Gene:  the idea is …damn it …( he drinks more) is is ….


Goober giving him a cigarette, Gene smokes it


Gene:the election!! Yes yes… if we could make charity the issue of 08 presidential election, then we got all the press and talk on the web without wasting a single beer!


Everyone impressed…..Coco nods ..Scarlet still memerized by Coco


SOLO to Owen, Gene, Scarlet sitting in that order

Scarlet: there is something about Coco that is real kinky about her…I don’t know…I cant explain it…she looks like a normal girl…I mean shes cute ..but not beautiful beautiful….it just…..


Owen cutting in: its that energy. About her…something about her aura, her glow in the face, the aura of her presence….


Gene  half drunk cuts in:  they all look like that , beautiful….


Owen puzzled : what do u mean?


Gene: people who do charity usually look like that …


Owen: and why is that?


Gene: well, casue love is a sefless energy, blurb…


Owen: ok…and?


Gene: it’s a selfless energy that encompass all, never partial….when u help everyone, u love everyone and when u love everyone, that energy reciprocates and completes u.


Owen :that’s why Coco looks different! And nice…..


Scarlet murmuring : so until u love everyone…u are not selfless…and u r incomplete?…


Gene nodding….: the same way beer completes me…..





Homeless tim with candle, dancing around with Coco :  this fire and dance sure completes me





















EP 6.  LOVE – Loving everyone is not love- it is the COMPLETION OF LOVE


Mgmt office  with mica, homeless1 and goober


Mica: So how do u feel?


Homeless1 with candle lit sticking out : yeah..alright…I feel tinkering….


Mica: u should feel a lot better , it should help clean up the waste inside your body, so u wont get sick as often…to bad its so expensive…amost $2 a stick wholesale…


Homeless1 head lit up….thinking that he could steal some ….


Homeless1: what..u mean this stick cost $2 ?


Mica: yup, it is part of our idu charity campaign, to give these…imean to lit these away to help poor people with health problems …..



SOLO Goober with candle lit: Mica and I decided on this great ancient healing technique….and I m beginning to love this nice clean fresh healthy feeling….i mean I not eating as much cheesballs or tequila chips anymore…it’s a different high…too bad this my last stick ..hmm….how do I get more?


Camera back to mgmt office on homeless1 hands purposely dropping a candle on the ground…..


Homeless1  ohj oh sorry…sorry…


Mica :its alright:….


Hoemless1 steals all the candle in the bag and put it in his sack……mica didn’t notice


Mica: ok .. I guess…..


Door knock is heard and Goober with a beard as disguise came in…


Goober: cough cough…I m sick and need a stick…of of


Mica shaking her head : I know its u Goober….




Back to the mgmt Rm with Scarlet, Gene, Roxy


Scarlet looks confused asking gene: are u telling me gene that unless I love everyone, including those bad rats, criminals,  that I m not complete and therefore cant experience love?


Gene with his brown bag: blurb..I m not   saying that  u cant experience love, its just that love is a selfless energy that encpmpass all, so unless u love everyone, ur love is incomplete because u r incomplete and the love u experience is incomplete and partial.


Owen : that’s why, that explains why Coco from last wk look so vibrant and beautiful, for a normal looking girl, I guess charity and loving others is the new eternal youth and beauty !


Scarlet: I will rather die or be a nun deep in outer space far away from these ugly looking rats and bad people  than  have these people taint my thoughts ….

Gene:  well , you are not supposed to escape from it, u supposed to face the problem, supposed to help them so that they are no longer bad, ….it is our responsibility to help and educate anyone toward goodness… is our responsibility to love everyone the same way we love ourselves, to provide anyone anywhere a gd education and sound economic environment…so I think we should never stop trying to help that person to become good…it is all collective.. we are all connected although we are all different unique individuals, casue love is a selfless energy that connecgts us all, when they are happy, we feel their joy, and when they are in pain, we feel their pain……


Camera backed to Scot with Sandra on the streets to help the troubled bad kids to be rappers……Scot geetting beat up by gangsters


Gangster: u feel our pain now, puppet? U don’t know what we go thru punk..go back to your hood homey with that white trash of yours!


SOLO : Sandra:  Scot and I decided to face the problem …to bring goodness to the neighborhood by teaching the kids how to rap …I mean in scots words :rap ur way out of your hood to success….(brings out a baseball stick) it turns out to be a bit more painful than we thought….


Camera back to mgmt rm


Scarlet: but that’s baloney! I don’t need to love everyone to have love…I mean I love my friends, my cats….my girlfriend…..i still feel love..


Gene:  yeah that’s true , but its incomplete, its partial, its just not the same feeling….


Owen: so u telling me unless I love everyone, my love for my soulmate, between husband and wife is all incomplete, its all nimkapoo?


Gene: no  ididnt say that, I said its incomplete….the same way I cant call myself a professional  drunk if I cant drink both sam adams and bud lite and all other beers out there…


Scarlet: but how do tell the difference? How u feel the difference ?


Cmaera back to Scot and Sandra


Scot: I tell u what the difference! The difference is.. is im  SCOT NASTY , I aint take no for an answer! U think I m goin down just cause of a few punks beat me up? U dead wrong, cause  I m a puppet but I m from the street…ok kids…I m goin to use the power of love, power of rap to make a rapper out of u – no matter what it takes me….


Sandra with baseball stick : that’s the spirit! Cmon here comes a newbatch of kids…lets try your tact and tone on them….


Scot, a little scared: ok, but u go first….


Camera back to mgmt office


Gene:  Completion of Love is a feeling…..i means u know it when u feel it…the same way u feel happiness and sadness, excitement or anger,   u just feel it , its just a different level, a different wave, a dfiiernent feel,  u just feel more complete, when u not love everyone, u are selfish and  shut from it, and when u love everyone, u are selfless, open, love is a selfless energy that  just fills u up…..


Mica: I get it …it s the give and take…when u give yourself selflessly, love as a selfless energy fills u back up!


SOLO Roxy: the only thing that fills me up is me, I , moah! And we as woman sure not need men or any one else to be complete!  WonderBra!


Roxy showing the camera her wonderbra made of bananleaf and strings.


Owen : so the love between lovers are incomplete unless both love everyone, and all strangers?


SOLO to Roxy in her wonderwoman workshop trying to convince woman

Roxy  I tell u what love is …its that onenight stand based on raging hormones, infatuations, some illogical random sexual fantasy …and when that short term magic and sex dies away…that where it all ends….that’s when men dumped u like a  piece of cheesecakewrapper… to all the woman in the rm..  join my wonderwoman movement, abstain from sex..and forget about man, End abortions! End single parenthood! End disgusting Porn! empower yourself!


Women in rm nods…they sign up like crazy…mostly for the free wonderwoman bra

With Roxy really proud


Gene : well,  a love relationship shoudnt be based on some infatuations of physical appearance or pow wow sex …..casue these emotions those always dies away slowly…a true relationship  in the end is  companionship…where the lovers enjoy their chemistry together, enjoy doinghte small things together, the little things, like walking, sleeping, eating , being quiet together…its really about the small things….


Goober: like catching bugs….. and  whipping each other ass with chinese bamboos…oh..sorry…


Scarlet trying to be playful and contrary: ok but can u love others, everyone more than u love ur soulmate? That wont make ur love for ur soulmate absolute would it?


Gene start to stutter as his beer effect is wearing out:  well…well…I know the answer to that one…wait…..


Camera to  3 dozen cans of bud lite in front of him while the whole office cheer him on for more answers


Office: Gene Gene Gene   drink the bud, kick some butt…gene gene gene! We need answers…gene gene gene


Gene getting really drunk:  ok ok….can u love others more than u love ur soulmate?

Hmm…I guess it s the same way the beer is feeling me up and making me more complete to come out with the right answer…until we love everyone as a whole, we are not complete, and unless we help everyone become whole, we are not whole, and if we are not complete, we will never feel the completion of love, not just for himself, but also the love for soulmates, family, friends.  So couples who understand this should never have such complaints about loving others more than one love each other….for their love will not be complete without such……


*******If u r not complete, I m not complete, if I m not complete, I don’t have complete love, and if I don’t have complete love, u don’t have complte love? So  U completely understand?



Everyone stunned and impressed…..and shout : more more more!!!!


Scarlet not convinced ask another one:   but should one love others, I mean strangers more than they love their soulmates, their love ones……


Goober playfully cuts in: yeah who would u save in a sinking boat if u could only save one? Ur mom, best friend, a  stranger, ur dog?


Genes big head fell on the table out of exhaustion…..everyone exclaimed, shocked….scarlet screams…


Camera back to Mica screaming and goober helping ear candles,


Mica shocked : eeee….!!! The candles are missing …..ahh..  Goober did u take the candles

Goober shaking his head:  I swear on the lives of my bugs, I mean my pets, that I wont go so low….


Mica:ahhh… much for loving everyone…


Back to Gene rm where Coco and Scarlet are trying to massage Gene with hot towel on his head ….Goober putting a ear candle in his ear, lit  and beer in his hand

Everyone shouting Gene gene gene! Answers answers answers!


Gene finally drinks more and say:  I guess u are supposed to love everyone, strangers the same way you love yourself, the same way u love your family, borthers to brothers, sisters to sisters..can u love others more than u love yur soulmate? I mean fireman, police man, soldiers and doctors and nurses in the red cross do it all the time during crisis….


Goober making fun: u mean spiderman and underdog?


Gene  I mena they do it all the time saving lives thru danger is in front of them, they risk their lives by the second, I m sure they all have family and love ones..when they risk their lives rescuing…And guess what? It all com down to that split second, that moment of truth…of whether they risk their lives for others or save their butt for their family, love ones…but there was never a moment of doubt that they will rescue others …u see .its all natural instinct, it s all a part of us, within us to save others in crisis, that we are all one and the same, always connected….for if they are in pain, everyone is in pain……


Goober: so are u telling me I could never be happy again sipping my pina colada with mango slosh cream.. if there is someone out there suffering or not happy?


Gene:: By theory and by the highest standard of love , yes…for if they are in pain , u r in pain, for of they r sad, u r sad, for if they are evil, u r not completely good, for if they are incomplete , you r incomplete…and till the day when everyone is complete u r not complete and will never experience completion of love!


Back to Scot with Sandra trying to teach  a  kid how to rap




Conceptual tact and tone




Gangster came back


Sandra show karate, and gain respect from ganster and left

Or Gene shows up smells the shit out of them and they left…respect for the smell

Camera back to Gene being massage by Coco while he drinks… shouting gene gene gene


Scarlet:  . u mean I have to love everyone to be complete and feel the completion of love…I mean that day will never come… I mean how do I possibly love a race that kills animals for food , cows for hamburgers,  a race that believes in the jungle theory,  that survival is the fittest , to beat up the other people to compete and survive? I think I will stick to my cats….


Gene: it is true that creation is not perfect, evolution is not perfect…but it doesn’t mean u can t fix it or strive to perfect it… change others and improve others so that we all be complete one day…for love has no boundaries,its selfless and naked…..


Camera to Owen showing up naked with Polynesian grass waist below…..


Mica: wha….what happen ? 


Owen : oh we ran out of budget and I sold my shirt and pants on ebay so that we could buy more wax candles….so here are a few more……


Mica really touched: oh….that’s really nice of u…I m speechless (staring at the Polynesia grass )  imean …its really nice of u to care…


Mica holds on to the candles but drop them accidentally…

Owen tries to pick up….


Owen: I ll get it…


Mica : no no I lll get it…


They both try to pick it up when their eyes met ….And for that instant …Owen felt something…..


SOLO Owen :  there is something about mica….i mean …it must be this helping others thing ….that makes me feel…..makes me feel for mica….could it be the completion of love that gene keeps mentioning?  no no this cant be right! I mean she is a  a …pup…oh forget it….What? u mean this happen before? A human and puppet?


Camera to Roxy and Owen


Owen : so roxy..i need ur advice….


Roxy proud but helping: ok I know why u r here, the camera guy told me…


Owen: u mean its true…you fell in love with Dana, someone who used to work here? U of all people, who dislike man..?!



Roxy holding up a picture with a slight tear in her eyes: yup..heres is the picture…I mean…it lasted only a few mths till he got fired..then he hasn’t call me since….

I guess he is a one night stand kind of guy….


Owen: so how is it between a puppet and …and ..u know


Roxy:  I mean love knows no boundaries….buts that the past now…now I m wonderwoman. But why u asking? U mean u and….


Owen : oh no no nothing..just wondering…


Roxy getting lots of momentum as women cheered her workshop


Roxy: im goin to show everyone who is wonderwoman ? who the real ceo is….


Back into the conf rm where everyone shows up disappointed…including roxy..


Owen reading from mica’s report for the day…


Owen:  Scot and Sandra:


Mica :



Owen: well…so much for helping others….and loving unconditionally….and….SUMMARY of IDU


Just when everyone remains sad, Goober from his pc screen yelled:


Goober : yahoo!!!  2 million and 32 clicks! Ha! we made it…


Owen :what goober?


Mica and Scot’s rapper picking up speed also on the web……


Everyone cheered….power of love …give and take….

Final SOLOs  for all

Owen and mica





Goober  poking at Gene:  u haven’t answer my qn…who would u save in the sinking boat? Ur mom, best friend, your dog, or a stranger?


Gene totally exhausted and half eyed: We are all friends in the end…so …  (whisper in a very coarse voice) hshhssshsshsh….

And he fell off the chair ……



Song Love is dumb. Love is stupid


SOLO Gene sleeping deeply, Owen and Will side by side.


Owen : just remember ..the simplest way to show your love to everyone is to smile often and hug a lot..right Will? Give me a hug….


Will hesistated and hug

Owen hugging Will , hug too long….Owen uneasy, thinking Will is gay,  

Will sneeze. and say:   what  perfume is that? (Sneeze) this is stupid, this is dumb…

And he sneeze away


Until next season, mica final comments: if we still  around… if  not find out at







Goober wins in the end with clicking on puppet on bikinis with most money made donated to charity


Mica looks into diary for past events mat and dana – the lib., game


Why is loving everyone important ?

Charity is eternal youth and makes u more beautiful and younger

How would u love a stranger? What model:?


Ep 6.    loving everyone is important because…..u will not feel complete version of love—completion of love = completion of u –gene and mica with scot/goober maing fun

Loving urself and loving ALL others completes u

Can u love anyone more than ur soulmate…fireman policeman , underdog

What makes a right soulmate – companionship Gene


Define love

What is the difference between all kinds of love? Same? We r all friends in the end….?

Which love is more important to u? who would u save in a sinking boat?


Loving  everyone makes u younger beautiful and lovable, the new cool and sexy


Other aspects of love in the lib.







Mica: I think killing is always wrong, killing anything is always wrong….especially when there is a chance for the person to repent and become good…we should always try to help people become good…even evil people….we have to believe in goodness.. that people can become good, that people believe in goodness and happiness..that they were born to be good…. 

Owen  : what if they were born evil and remain evil after re-education? Do we then have a right to eliminate them? 

Mica: hmm… it is true that nothing is perfect….life is not perfect…evolution is not perfect…the balance  of yin and yang, positive and negative is never exactly balanced, there is always a potential for excessive extremes and overflow, just like anyone can be gay because he has more yin and less yang – evolution is never perfect…….any one can become evil given a harsh context, such as poor education, economic environment….but it is not entirely their fault, since we are all collective… yes we are all unique individuals but our lives is always intertwined, connected as one


SOLO Mica: And yes we all share the same blame when something bad happen to any one individual….it is our responsibility to help and educate anyone toward goodness… is our responsibility to love everyone, to provide anyone anywhere a gd education and economic environment…so I think we should never stop trying to help that person to become good…it is all collective..isn’t this is what web2.0 is about…power of the collective? Connecting the unique individuals? 


6 songs to be worked on


2 Actors to star in 10 days of filming for six 20min episodes of a Puppet style sitcom


1.        Looking for a male Owen Wilson – personality, demeanor and style of speaking.  We DO NOT

want u to look like him. If u look like him don’t apply.

 We want a gd actor  with different look but with his similar personality and speaking style and bounce.


2.        Looking for a female Phoebe as in FRIENDS – looking for similar personality, demeanor and style of speaking. 


want u to look like her If u look like her don’t apply.

 We want a gd actor  with different look but with her similar personality, demeanor and speaking style and bounce


Willing to pay top dollars over industry average for all the above

Send resume, pictures, height/weight measurements, relevant past experience, links to any previous projects  or portfolio  to






Puppeteers, cameraman, Video editor, Voice editor –$$$$top dollars$$$$


1. Looking for  2 to 3 expert puppeteers to maneuver 5 puppets for 10 days of Fulltime acting and filming for this puppet show. Must be EXPERTS. Must be as good as those in the Broadway show AveQ.   


Must know all puppet movement, behaviors, emotions.

Different voice ability  a major plus.


2. Looking for a cameraman for 10 days of filming of six 20min episodes of a sitcom series on a HD Camera.

Must be expert on all angle movements,speed  etc. Experts only apply.



3. Video editor on Final Cut Pro  for six 20min episodes of a sitcom series on a HD Camera on the internet. Looking for the best


4. Voice editor for six 20min episodes of a sitcom Puppet series on a HD Camera on the internet. Looking for the best. Must be able to edit voice over 6 puppet characters and 4 human actors.


Production team for all of the above welcomed.

Willing to pay top dollars over industry average for all the above

Send resume and relevant past experience, projects  to





CollaborationCampaign is call simple things is complex and complex things are simple. Complexity in simplicity and simplicity in complexity. Making everyone a gd communicator. Be a gd communicator program. OR Be cultured


Wanted Teachers, professors, life coaches, mentors, social researchers, communication experts, parenting experts, leaders, corp. managers, career counselors, relationship experts, nonprofit activists, medical counsels, psychology counselors etc

Also wanted : gd improve comedians, and great life conceptual script writers.


Coaching/mentoring/communication experts needed to bring awareness to tact and tone, action vs complacency/indifference, courage to speak up and take action, belief in the power of the individual= power of the collective.


Going thru various what-if scenarios in each category, from simplest human act, social, corporate,  to global affairs. 

What-if business rd table,  improvbrainstorming session on various potential problems, dilemmas, confusion and correct course of action.


How to coach/mentor with humor, fun,  conceptual, hypnotic reasoning  under different context with different personalities.


YahooGrp, FB, Alexa


1.     TACT AND TONE – be sensitive in all your verbal and non verbal due to etiquette and culture


Proper etiquette = politeness, respect, tolerance, acceptance, full consideration of all others at all tmes


Proper Cutlure =love and compassion as first nature=  positive action, anger , criticism, no procrastination of action, helping others to help themselves,constantly  improve ourselves to help others, proper etiquette and doing the right things at all times. Understand that love is a selfless energy that encompass al, that we  r all connected and the same, that all our actions rare collective, that we don’t complete ourselves without completing others, that all strangers are family and friends.



Proper etiquette will include basic politeness in words and gestures, respect for others, tolerance of people of different backgrounds and cultures, full consideration for others in one's actions and words.  It also include positive criticism which means if one would to criticize others, one should only do so with a positive attitude by  providing  positive advice and willingness to  help improve the situation  or correct the perceived wrong doings of others. Negative criticism of others out of frustration, anger, viciousness and other negative intentions should never be deemed proper. 

Progressive Culture encompasses proper etiquette, constant self discoveries of one's character and personal empowerment, proper attitudes about one's talents and purpose, understanding of using one's talent to help others, willingness to tackle the intellectual challenge of helping people empower themselves, having love and compassion as second nature – way of thought, way of life, finding true love and happiness in progressive relationship with others. 



2.     ACTION vs INACTION – courage to speak up against superiors, consensus,   avoiding laziness, complacency, shyness, as we are all family and friends consideration factor, respect and tolerance and acceptance for differences do not mean not doing the right things, doing without doing- not shying away from the problem but facing them now.

Understand that minor problems could evolve into bigger problems, understand the importance of perfection- constant strive to perfect

Admitting mistakes and correcting them instantly

Avoiding the negatives and shock values, controversies to promote self interest


INACTION due to laziness, shyness, lack of time, money, stamina, stress, fear , inconvenience = lack of culture

SOLUTION – making charity a daily culture and habit, doing one good deed a day, doing charity in grps


Issues of conflicts/discussion

Compromise vs rules structure

Love and compassion over ego, pride, accountability

Forgiveness vs accountability

Positive anger and criticism over being false sense of peace –zen

Ego, pride equals doing the right things at all time, full consideration of all  others

Success, ego, ambition, obsession vs love, compassion

Competition and empowerment could go hand in hand

Freedom=responsibility to do the right things at all times

Success in business= success in life



Tasks for show


1.       roxy puppet  ask ave Q puppeteer, graphic aninmator, Voice editor, voice of each puppet,  film editor/camera man

2.       makeup artist


3.       Add slang to each characters words – May need to hire slang writer

4.       metaphors with pictures/slides/chalkbd


5.       Script – camera angles on each scene, SOLO camera action+movement+location,   location of each scene, commercial break-middle


6.       6 half minute songs repeated twice differently - 2 rap, hip hop, 1 fart, pop, blue, rock, country, mash – beats and cords producer only for each

7.       Simplify the heavy themed blurbs into easier words and smaller blurbs –

And making sure the Overall theme of each episode summarize easy at the end and thru out


8.       stronger characterization of all characters in ep1 –scot woman , smoking, rap, party, artist

9.       goober- fun party, food, philosophy, drums, trumpets , bugs

10.    gene – alcohol, smoke, sleep, blurb, fart, snore



9. Clock ur script


12.    Funny and twists, surprises and irony contrasts in Every scene, guilt fear confusion, moral dilemma, happiness sandness

13.    more tear jerk, sympathy scenes

14.    more emotional outbursts, swings, love/hate drama, verbal fights, more gd or bad characters for audience to hate or cheer for

15.    characters doin improve of diff voices and character, doing funny things like dancing, walking stupid etc, singing, dancing, yoga


16.    hooks in beginning, weird thing in beginning to reveal at end of each ep., love and flirt hooks overall since ep1


17.    locations- street scnes, car rides,,


18.    different costume, hats, trumpets, guitar, sounds


16. Guidelines  no dull moments 5 actions per ep., 1 per 2pgs

Laugh – 1 per pg

  5 line blurb max

Keep each ep to 9pgs


17 Brand Idu and I do


18 Subtitles


19 Card Bd or Chalk Bd – THEME/TITLE slides at beg. And end of each ep


20. Explain flow of previous ep


21 make owen and scarlet more roles –stronger characterization

22. exciting opening insert or change