Idu Show 6 themes
Each theme must be:
- Related
(relevant) to each of the library top 6 themes
- unique,
refreshing, original (new angle to an old issue)
- conceptual,
provocative, with depth (“wow! I
never thought I could look at that same old issue with that angle/viewpt
before!”) Audience will remember long after the show, perhaps for their
whole life. Thus Memorable.
- humorous
if possible.(very tough sometimes, if not impossible within the 3
constraints above)
- Contradictory,
if possible –the most provacative statements are contradictions to the
original purpose/intention of the statement but
actually re-asserts the original purpose and makes it even
stronger on a second reading or second level thoughts/analysis. Once again, not too easy. This one is
similar to the Abraham Lincoln Qn.
“ If Abraham Lincoln is still alive, how would he affect the world?”
Answer: The world’s population will be increase by one
The answer sound contradictory of what we are trying
to achieve with the qn. But it actually
made it stronger and memorable.Subtle. Hypnotic.
(The Value of the individual, the value of I, the
value of everyone, the value of purpose)
Episode One – Discover - “ Happiness equals DOING
without DOING”
Discovering = Discovering myself, Discovering Happiness,
Discovering Purpose
Episode 1 theme should be all about what Idu stand for .
Strong and clear for the audience since it is Episode 1. We know the Idu main
essence are: Happiness, Doing, Love, Purpose, Helping, You.
But to the average audience, the most important ones are Happiness,
Love, Purpose.
Since Episode 1 is about Discovery, which is more Doing and
You, how do we convince the audience
that Doing = Happiness?
Here is the formula:
Happiness= Love
To love others = You must first love yourself. You.
To love yourselves = To Disocver who u are, Define your
purpose, Improve yourself to go after your purpose. =è
All these equals “Doing”
Therefore Happiness = Doing
This formula should be our theme for Episode 1. Happiness = Doing
The monk spin u already have is as follow:
Monk : the true nature of zen, which is to achieve peace
within oneself, is NOT about avoiding problems, avoiding challenges, hiding in
the forest to be one with nature and avoid modern conflicts. Nor is it to
accept whatever societal wrong as part of natural evolution- and therefore
doing nothing about it. This is a false kind of peace.
The true nature of zen
to achieve inner peace is to “overcome without effort”, by DOING, getting
used to Doing, getting used to facing difficulties NOW and challenges NOW.
Overcome without effort = Overcome
problems/difficulties/challenges by facing them, DOING, repetition with strong
will, so much to the extent that one
becomes used to it that they no longer feel any pressure or difficulty – thus
“without effort”.
When one reached the “without effort” stage, one truly
achieve inner peace since he is no longer afraid of problems or any challenges
as he overcome thems with ease.
Thus DOING without DOING
Final closing summary CONCEPTUAL THEME –
“ Happiness equals DOING without DOING”
Episode 2 – Improve- Improve yourself to lose
We know that the raw main Library theme is to constantly
improve mind, body, spirit to achieve your purpose and success. The more
important focus is the “spirit” section on
what constitute a
happy spirit and whether a happy spirit is important for success.
The BIG 4 in what makes a happy spirit =
Creative energy, Sharing, Giving, LOVE.
To sum it up in one
sentence will be = Create something that has your identity to share and give it away to EVERYONE. This
spreads/reciprocates LOVE.
And this creates HAPPINESS.
Therefore Create+share+give+love = sharing and giving
YOU =happiness
CONCEPTUAL SPIN/Summary ending:
Improve yourself to lose yourself, give “YOU” away, create “YOU”, then share
and give “YOU” away.
I know u have Evolution as the spin. But I want to add
Perfection also as a spin.
First one should recognize that evolution is not perfect.
And it is wrong to accept whatever imperfection or societal wrongs as
part of natural evolution and therefore do nothing about it . Positive (yang) and Negative (yin)energy
exists in the universe to create balance
with the negative energy acting as necessary self-defense mechanism to
counter/correct excessive positive. But in any
specific period, imbalances in
the yin/yang mix is possible that results in excessive yang or yin. Excessive
negative (yin) if not controlled or corrected by intervention will result in
extreme negative consequences.
Therefore one should not accept evolution as perfect and should always IMPROVE
and strive for perfection. Thus
So how do we create the perfect world? What are the basic
rules? How do we solve all charity problems in the world? How do we create
everlasting peace and harmony?
- Consideration
for all in one’s thoughts, speech and actions
- Love
and compassion for all people with the MODEL of treating all people
the same way parents treat their kids or one would treat his
To Love means to HELP, to EMPOWER,
“to criticize to help” with a positive
intention, not “criticize to mock,” a negative intention.
Therefore another reason to improve yourself is to improve
Create YOU, share
YOU, give YOU to IMPROVE others
CONCEPTUAL SPIN/Summary ending: Improve yourself to lose
yourself, give “YOU” away, create “YOU”, then share and give “YOU” away.
Episode 3 PASSION- So much PASSION equals NO PASSION!
The raw library theme is love your work, love your play, and
if possible, PLAY=WORK
The spin u have is when one gets too PASSIONATE, one becomes
OBSEESSED and is potentially wrong or dangerous as it may engender LACK OF
CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS while achieving success blindly.
This is actually the evolution spin, positive and negative
is not perfect spin, as in episode 2.
“First one should recognize that evolution is not perfect.
And it is wrong to accept whatever imperfection or societal wrongs as
part of natural evolution and therefore do nothing about it . Positive (yang) and Negative (yin)energy
exists in the universe to create balance
with the negative energy acting as necessary self-defense mechanism to
counter/correct excessive positive. But in any
specific period, imbalances in
the yin/yang mix is possible that results in excessive yang or yin. Excessive
negative (yin) if not controlled or corrected by intervention will result in
extreme negative consequences.”
And it is also the CONSIDERATION spin- to create the Perfect
World, law number one is CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS in all thoughts, speech,
So much PASSION that you lose
that PASSION. You become so blind to
success that you lose that love and
consideration for others.
Episode 4 Success- To win at all cost you must first lose
at all cost.
The raw library theme is to succeed in your life, you must
PLAN, CONNECT , and ADVANCE. There is no short cuts to success.
You have Shock Value as the spin. So is shock Value for Success ok? Does the shock
value have a positive Purpose? Does it have negative ORIGNAL INTENT?
So if it has Positive Purpose but negative INTENT , is it
The answer is NO.
One should compete based on YOU – on substance, skill,
knowledge, experience, wits, talents, ability to work with others, love for
others, the love to SHARE YOU.
And not on some
shortcut inconsiderate shockers.
In business or in art,
Shock Value purely for the sake of Shock, to attract
- debasing
– prove that u lack the normal talent to compete
- lack
of CONSIDERATION for others, for the parties hurt and insulted in the
- lose
respect from critics and peers in the long run. Progressive People don’t
do business with Shockers with negative intent and no consideration.
- you
lose YOU. No respect from anyone. When you lose YOU, you don’t succeed.
To win at all cost you must first lose at all cost.
Lose yourself, lose your ego, have consideration for all
others, serve all others, love all others.
To be successful in business you must first be Successful
in Life.
Success in Business = Success in LIFE first.
Episode 5 HELPING - Helping others is selfish. Because
Helping others completes YOU.
The raw theme of the library is when u help others, you help
yourself. Because when you help others, you share your love, reciprocate love
and that process COMPLETES YOU.
A COMPLETE YOU is NOT just discovering who you are, knowing
your purpose, improving yourself to go after your passion, purpose and success.
It is about using your talents, using YOU to HELP
Through HELPING OTHERS, you share, and give YOU.
That reciprocates LOVE and LOVE being a selfless energy
The spin you have is sacrificing ego and pride to beg to
help others at the risk of humiliation
and embarrassment. And potentially face heavier consequences like loss of pride
and business.
However, Pride and certain level of ego is necessary for
confidence and achievement in life.
This spin posts a larger life question: Is love and
compassion more important than ego and pride?
And a even larger
more critical question under the context of “rules and structure” is : when
does one break the rules and allow
compromise so that love and compassion takes priority?
What happen to accountability then? Where’s the balance?
Much like a capital punishment issue. Also much like Mother Theresa initially
pissing off the Roman Church by begging
for food in India to solve hunger until finally gaining approval from the
The answer is LOVE and COMPASSION is priority and come
first above ego and pride and rules
should be broken as long as there is CONSIDERATION- that no unintended negative consequences such as
sending the wrong message that wrong doings or inconsiderations are allowed or
be tolerated.
Love, compassion and consideration always come first in structure or rules
in LIFE.
Since LOVE = a
selfless energy, to be selfless, without EGO.
The other spin you already have is treating a stranger with
the love of “parent to child” MODEL or “brother to brother” MODEL.
You could also throw in
- charity
as a everyday thing, not just for Christmas
- The
perfect solution for all charity problems is to “pay it forward” – get one
person to help the next person closest in proximity. And have that person
pay the effort forward by helping
the next person in need. Mathematically, this formula solves all charity
- The
power of the collective in web2.0 = even $1 by each unique individual adds
up pretty quickly and powerfully collectively on the web.
Helping others is selfish. Because Helping others
completes YOU.
To be selfish, you must first be selfless, without ego.
Helping others= helping yourself. Loving others = loving
Episode 6 – LOVE -Loving everyone is not love. It is the
The raw theme of the library is
Step 1.
DOING = loving yourself ( because w/o loving yourself, u
cant love others as you cant appreciate yourself and others)
Step 2.
Helping others = Loving others
Step 3.
Love = loving yourself AND loving others, which in turn equals
Completion of YOU, Completion of LOVE
YOU as never isolated, always intertwined and connected with everyone
and anyone at all times. LOVE as a selfless energy that
encompasses all, never isolated, as
isolation equate non-selflessness and incompleteness.
It is this experience of the COMPLETENESS of love that makes u see love
and relationship in a new light.
Spins :
1. Why is it important for me to love everyone?
Answer: One has to recognized that love is a selfless
energy that encompass all, never partial, -with partial as incomplete – thus
the importance of loving everyone, stranger alike due to the organic connection
between everything in existence. The real nature of someone who gives is
kindness and everyone is kindness/goodness personified; you see and feel the
same vulnerability in all others that you feel within yourself. Therefore
kindness to yourself leads you to kindness towards others. When one recognized
that we are all one and the same, when we give to others, we are giving to
One never fully complete oneself until all others are fully complete
and empowered
2.Must I love everyone more than I love my soulmate or
YOU are never isolated, always intertwined and connected with everyone
and anyone at all times. LOVE as a
selfless energy that encompasses all,
never isolated, as isolation equate non-selflessness and incompleteness.
It is this experience of the COMPLETENESS of love that completes YOU. The complete YOU in turn
makes u see love and relationship in a new light.
Thus, until YOU LOVE ALL OTHERS (selfless), YOU
cant LOVE YOURSELF since YOU(selfish) are NOT COMPLETE. And if you are not complete, the love between
you and your soulmate is also INCOMPLETE. Love is a selfless energy that encompass
3.Is my soulmate right for marriage?
person is right if both enjoy doing small things together, the little things, and
are companions who enjoy the chemistry of walking, sleeping, eating, small chat
together instead of the big pow-wow sexual attraction, appearance and short
term infatuation.
In the
end, all infatuations and sexual attraction will die out and what holds the
relationship together for life is the companionship – doing the small
things together.
4. So common complaints among lovers and argument against
the above view pt.
“If u love others more than u love ur soulmate, then
that’s not really marriage quality love since it is not absolute”
counter argument to that is until one love others and everyone as a whole- as
one- one never quite completely fulfill his essence of self and therefore never
truly COMPLETE YOU. Without a Complete YOU one don’t understand himself. Nor will he understand his choice of
Couples who understand the above will never have such
- So to what extent should I
love everyone? What is the MODEL?
Brothers to brothers or Parent to Child.
Idu version of LOVE and YOU is NOT just based on a new
empowered you, a “doing” you, or a new successful you.
It is also NOT
just about “you don’t know what love is and
who your soul mate is until u love yourself first”.
It is about
recognizing the fact that we are all different and unique in our own ways but
at the same time we are one and the
same. It is about loving others, helping others the same way we love and
help ourselves. Until we feel and share
our love as one,
the SELF is never truly
fulfilled/complete. And the SELF never truly discover or experience the COMPLETE version of LOVE .
Loving everyone is not love. It is COMPLETION of LOVE.
Episode 1: The secret to leading a productive life (doing) is knowing
yourself well enough to have faith in your actions.
translation: Once you truly know yourself, your actions will
bear greater fruit.)
My opinion: So basically, to make it short
and compact,
Your THEME is
The secret to DOING is to UNDO YOU.
The secret to Doing is to discover YOU
The secret to Doing without Doing is to
know YOU.
Your Explanation: Since knowing YOU =
Confidence in Doing
My opinion: Not bad. Agreeable. I will go
along with that.
2: The purpose of improving yourself is to be able to offer a
better version of you to the world, which will in turn ameliorate your
every experience.
translation: An improved you will benefit in any encounter.)
My opinion: very similar to mine. I still
think mine is more powerful and simple with a little explanation
My THEME : Improve YOU to Lose YOU
Explanation: When u GIVE away and Share
that improved YOU, People appreciate YOU, KNOW YOU, LOVE YOU =
This IMPROVE your HAPPINESS and experience.
3: Passion is our most powerful tool for success or happiness,
but can become dangerous when it is rooted in selfishness.
(Basic translation: Passion can defeat us when we become obsessive.)
My opinion: very similar to mine. But you are
right in saying the words I used are too negative.
How about this:
Explanation: Obsessive Passion rooted in
selfishness and lack of consideration DEFEATS YOU as it makes a person
non-loving and void of feelings, hence without PASSION.
Episode 4: The greatest success can only come from a willingness to
learn from failure.
(Basic translation: Be prepared to lose before you win.)
Personal Opinion: Yours is too common. I
hear that all the time. Not fresh enough. I still think mine is good with a
little explanation
My THEME : To win at all cost, you must
lose at all cost
Explanation: To be successful in business, you must first
be successful in LIFE.
To be successful in LIFE, you must lose
yourself, LOSE THAT EGO, have consideration for all others, serve all others,
love all others.
(EGO is the number one reason that prevents most people from having
consideration for others, serving others, loving others)
5: Helping others can be even more rewarding to you than to
those you help.
(Basic translation: If you really want to help yourself, help others.)
Personal Opinion: Same essence compared to
mine. Totally similar. But mine is more catchy and arousing, suspenseful. Lets try mine again with a little explanation
THEME : Helping Others is Selfish. Because
helping others completes YOU.
Explanation: Helping others = Loving Others
Without Loving Others, You are NOT selfless. And if you are not selfless, You
don’t have LOVE since LOVE is a selfless
energy that encompass ALL (everyone), NEVER
Thus Helping Others Completes You with the
Complete Version of LOVE.
6: Real love occurs when you are capable of giving that love away.
(Basic translation: Limiting your love will deny you of love.)
My opinion
: yours is too simple and ordinary. Heard that way too many times.
I still
insist on mine since it is most interesting and fresh based on the COMPLETE
Lets try
mine again with a little explanation
Loving everyone is not love. It is the COMPLETION OF LOVE.
Until you love Everyone the same way you love yourself, you will never
experience the COMPLETE VERSION OF LOVE since LOVE
is a SELFLESS energy that encompass ALL
(Everyone), NEVER partial. Until that stage, the LOVE we know of is incomplete
and NOT the complete version.