Discover Personality –
Theme – be real, be yourself as
long as there is full consideration for others – meaning your behaviors and
actions are not causing harm or interfering with others
Possible story lines or
People are always assuming different
personalities at different times in their life. They act and pretend
differently when they are with their friends, workers, lovers, families,
attracting opposite sex etc.
And also their personality
evolved over time thru new career path, new lover, how their new lover
personality is affecting theirs etc.
And sometimes one is confused
in terms of who they really are since they are forced to change personality a few times a day, dealing
with different people. Much like a multiple personality disorder.
The moral of the story is be
yourself, be real and go with the flow, have fun and don’t worry too much as long as one is
clear with who he is and that he is not causing discomfort or harm to others.
Possible elements could be Goober forever
experimenting new personalities that fit him since he is adventurous and always
trying new things but forever procrastinating and committing to any decisions.
Or Scot, being a type A himself(similar to
Cartman in Spark), is always testing the limits of his aggressiveness to try to
gain competitive edge or advantage over others.
Or Roxy trying to balance her
strong masculine work image and soft, feminine dating image
Or Mica trying to balance her
zen hippie principles with cruel realities of life that forbids her from being
zen, nice.
Or Gene trying to emulate
the personality he wants to be thru his
wise advice to others but always
failing due to his flaws of complacency, drink problems or lack of time
management etc
Another element you could add is how to deal with
people with bad personality that interferes with ones privacy or harm others
with no consideration.
Could be Mica trying to deal with Scot. Or
Goober trying to avoid Roxy bossiness.
Other elements:
Too much of a perfectionist or organized
vs careless, complacent, overly optimistic Too spontaneous vs never
commiting to anything, as in Scot vs Goober
Overly helpful that it becomes
annoying, too overbearing as in Mica
Overly positive, too
optimistic vs overy paranoid, cautious,
controlling, always preparing beyond expectation as in Scot versus Roxy
MD28 – necessity of enough
pride for personal confidence for achievement/empowerment versus excessive
pride that evolved into negative arrogance, excessive ego. This could be easily applied to Scot.
Celebrity: hip hop star Kayne West?
Note : What u scripted is quite
gd, except maybe we should substitute Basquait and Warhol, Harding to better
known celebrities.
1b. talents, strengths and weaknesses-
Theme – Know yourself-
know where your strength lies and take
advantage of it.
Admit your weakness and know
your pitfalls. Have the courage to ask
for help to complement your weakness. Position your life towards your strength
to achieve success.
MD33 issue- Importance and
priorities of life, the battle of (fame, power, money) versus (love of all
kinds) versus (personal growth/empowerment/going after passions) versus (zen,
totally content, complacent, lazy, whatever comes, whatever goes).
Idu believes that the generous
helping others personality, regardless of his strengths or weakness, is the
most important in bringing true happiness.
Possible Storyline and
This script should explore the MD issue fully. There are usually
4 types of people in life. We should
explore the strengths and weaknesses of each type.
The type A, Olympian-athlete
type, Scot and Roxy – in fame, money and power
The hippie, world peace, love,
helping others, Mica and Gene
The Einstein, Goober,
always experimenting new things for
personal growth/passion
And the zen maniac, content
with anything or sick of everything, like the monks in monastery.
We want to highlight the Mica,
Gene types that constantly serves and help others, always trying to better the
world types that regardless of their weaknesses and consequences, they
will be most happy and fulfilled. Overly
Loving, generous, helping as qualities, these qualities are never weaknesses.
Celebrity: someone who hates to lose, a perfectionist,
Tiger Woods?
c. life purpose –
Theme : Stay true to your life
purpose and try to connect everything u do in life to it.
Idu version in purpose of life is really idu slogan –
empower yourself, empower others, love everyone.
Possible storyline and
an expansion of the 4 stereotypes on the script in 1b. Talents S&W.
Except this time, it is broader
in terms of which purpose in life constitutes true happiness.
Explore in depth
- Fame,
money and power- is it vain and illusory? Or quite empowering if one uses
the above for good causes
- Love-
all kinds of loves – soulmate, friends, family, everyone. What is the
argument of each as life purpose? Too narrow for happiness? Too broad ?
- personal
growth/empowerment/going after passions – too self centered as purpose?
Lack of consideration for other things like love and relationships
d. zen, totally content, complacent, lazy,
whatever comes, whatever goes – people who just want a peaceful life and avoid
all pains and conflicts at all cost. A false kind of peace as purpose?!
Obviously we want to highlight
b. and c. – someone who empower himself constantly and help others with his
forever growing new talents, loving everyone thru helping.
MD32 – Understanding true
nature of zen- which is achieving peace within oneself by overcoming without
effort. Getting used to facing difficulties and challenges and overcoming them
by doing, repetition and strong will. Zen is
not avoiding problems, challenges, wrongly accepting what is as natural
evolution, hiding in the forest to be one with nature and avoid modern
Thus the importance of
empowerment- learning, doing, growing.
Celebrity: monks who lives in
forest to be one with nature and achieve peace to avoid modern conflicts. Or
Buddha who thinks all sufferings are part of natural evolution and should not
do anything about it. This crosses with MD number 3.
Comments on your current script
– Like I said in a previous email, there should be some event that forces the
puppets to examine their lives and state their life purpose.
Like fear of getting married or
losing their freedom that will interfere
their life, or changing jobs or having an argument with a bartender while being
drunk or witnessing an incident or a life changing event like getting an
illness etc
2 Improve –
Theme : By constantly learning, reading and DOING, one
constantly improves all aspects of the mind that helps problem solving,
creative planning, winning friends easily, strong management of time, money and
relationships and rapid achievement of goals in life.
Storyline and elements:
Goober is reading a text book on mind improvement but is
impatient in applying its techniques. Instead of practice makes perfect, he
taught he could just apply the knowledge without experience and he constantly
bump into blunders.
And every time he thought he is near perfect as he
finished his textbook, he encounter more humorous blunder which cause him to
realize to constantly improve toward perfection – a never ending process of
both learning and doing, not either.
MD issue 3 – constantly striving for perfection,
constantly improving, recognizing that the responsibility to strive for
perfection equates true freedom and free will as it creates true security.
Eliminating complacency, procrastination
and the wrong notion that imperfection as a result of natural evolution.
Being meticulous, preparing beyond expectation, swift planning and execution,
having the courage and foresight to ask for 3rd party help swiftly
to intervene in a politically stuck system are all part of perfection.
All these ties in with most aspects of mind improving –
constantly improve your intellect, creativity, knowledge, mental state and
power, to communicate effectively and work productively in teams .
Also mash in the gay rights
issue here.
Celebrity: Paris Hilton trying
to perfect her image by truly perfecting herself after her prison term. Not
just a dumb blonde image to a responsible matured business woman.
Comment : your current script
is a little too simple, maybe a little bit more complex like trying to dive or
skydive by reading a book rather than thru practicing.
2b. Body
Theme : How taking care of ones
body, looking good creates balance,
clear thinking, a relaxed spirit and
boost confidence.
We should take advantage of
this theme to appeal to the stay young forever, anti-aging crowd.
Yes the vitamins, eating
healthy, good exercise helps. But helping others lift your spirit and
scientifically keeps you looking young
and beautiful.
Maybe Roxy is trying everything
to look gd and beautiful thru gym, eating right but fails. In contrast Mica
appears real glowing and pretty without even trying due to her generous and
helpful nature.
MD : None. But here is a new
one. All the vegetarians think eating animals is wrong.
Could debate if fish and
shrimps(some vegetarians eat them) constitute a civilized intelligent life.
What about insects like bees and ants? What about any living organisms like a
man’s sperm in regard to stem cell research and abortion? Where do we draw the
line of what is a life and whats not? Should we have consideration for all life
form ? what about the bad ones like crocodiles and poison snakes?Do those have voting rights
Celebrity: Tyra Banks
investigating to stay and look young forever – so much so that she wants to be
Oprah- because Oprah is all about
scientifically staying young by helping others. ( read my Youth/sexy article on George Clooney)
Comment: your current script is a little filmsy, playful.
Need more substance.
2c Spirit
Theme: Charity as a everyday thing, not special occasions.
Charity as culture, way of life. Love and compassion not just for Christmas.
Scot has problem being nice, generous and giving. Only when
he goes to parties with friends and get drunk does he becomes nice, loving and
giving and he feels great !When normal again, Scot is confused why that is the
MD 30 : power of humor, music, dance and drinks, having fun
– acting selflessly under the influence versus acting out of ego
Celebrity: Donald Trump
- always a egomaniac until he is drunk for the first time– he don’t
drink as reported in the media.
3.Find that Passion that Fits you.
– your personality, s&w, purpose.
3a. Work
Theme:Love your work
MD: 29a
3b. Play
Theme: share your play
MD: 29b
4a Job Success
MD : 29c
4b. Entrepreneur Success
MD39: Responsibility, ethics and consideration as
an artist or business person in the media for using shock value, creating
controversies. Role of an artist includes living up to ones talent versus using
cheap shots in violence, sex., controversies.
Celebrity: Madonna?? Lindsey Lohan
for portraying underage sex?
4c – Network and Collaborate
MD 38 : understanding anything is
possible , even under impossible circumstances. Power of teamwork,
collaboration, political will by
collaborating consensus. Imagination, focus, determination
5a Mentor
- Theme
– The education social issue.
Mentoring one on one as solution, the proper approach- the arms length
approach versus the close-up approach. Balance?? Overly intimate, overly
caring as invasion of privacy?
Be perfectionist, be detailed as
mentor, teach the right thing, be complete, admit mistakes, be proactive to
MD: “The perfect world” article
5b. Charity
Theme: Web 2.0 theme
MD 4A – Should pride and ego
allows begging and pleading for help? Should a head of a nation or a king plead
for help to save his citizens and lose pride?
Celebrity : Mother Theresa – known
to beg for food in India to solve hunger.
Or AJ/Brad Pitt as in adoption
5c Collaborate to Help
Storyline/elements: Bagel store to
solve hunger, Scot abusing it
MD 4B- Compromise, meeting half
way versus ego, structure, rules. When is it ok to compromise? Love and
compassion? When collaborating to help?
Issue of pride and ego over love
&compassion, and consideration for all.
6a Everyone
Theme: Why should we love everyone?
Storyline/elements: Gene and mica for it, scot makes fun of it,
Goober confused.
MD 2 : the importance of loving
everyone – could one love everyone more than his soulmate?
Celebrity : Superman, Spiderman
6b. Co-workers
Md1 and MD 36 :
MD1: Speaking up with courage versus being
complacent, or going along with obviously wrong/complacent consensus or being
excessively compromising to maintain peaceful relationships. The courage to do
whats right, being responsible and fixing
the problems, going against consensus.
Respect, tolerance, openesss to differences doesn’t mean not
speaking up against what is obviously wrong
MD36: loyalty or faithfulness vs
doing what is right, correcting what is obviously wrong . Example include Boss-Worker,
Parent-child, friend-friend relationships etc.
6c. Friends
Theme: We all become friends in
the end
MD25 : forgiving too
easily vs accountability,rules, and
Necessity of positive anger on an environment
of complacency
MD 26 neg criticism vs positive
criticism, being open to criticism for growth
If one would to criticize, one
should do it with a helping attitude, not any other negative attitude such as
Theme: Family members as friends –
we all become friends in the end, parent to child, child to parent, friendship
versus parenting, balancing act
MD35 honesty, being genuine and real vs lying out of
MD37 Value of being Tactful,
subtle, slightly ambiguous versus overly
direct, overly embarrassing
6e. Soulmate
Theme : What is a real soulmate? And your changing view of
what a soulmate is based on a new empowered you.
Mica: idu view, scot : vain view of soulmate, Goober: makes fun of idu
view, Roxy: confused
MD : None But tie this one to an email I sent u wks ago
regarding what is a true soulmate.
Description/Development for Puppet Cast
GOOBER: overactive, can appear to be clueless to the effect he is
having on the world around him when making all of his pie mischief;
his goal is to make the world a happier, brighter, more laughable
place, and he sort of wears blinders in his approach to doing this;
came from New England; had/has a big family; he's the youngest of
nine; Goober is a family name, coming from a long line of stately,
inventive Goobers; Goober is actually his last name, his first name is
always questioning, always experimenting like Einstein, never committing,
always find reason
procratinate, always seeking for further proofs, more logical in nature, but
ointuitivly know mica is right.
finish school, looking for career/passion, always doing and saying funny things
know whats right but always questioning
fun, not wanting to grow up.
MICA: only child; parents were total hippies whom she is somewhat
embarrassed about even though they are really great folks who are
immediately well-loved by all who meet them; always has a pet, always
has pet projects; very meticulous and methodical; when she cooks for
herself, she arranges all of the ingredients ahead of time; keeps a
diary, a journal, a happy memory list, an "unfavorite people" list
(which we could have her destroy in one episode as a symbolic way of
showing growth), always has To-Do lists and grocery lists and lists,
lists, lists, which are both incredibly helpful and incredibly
obsessive-compulsive; loves berries; gets drunk really easily. Born
in San Francisco.
naturally zen, hippie-like, naturally closest to a idu, but have difficulty applying and practicing
her beliefs in the harsh reality world, always caught in self conflicts.
trying different jobs to fulfill her ever changing life purpose
creative, loving person versus rational, logical
SCOTT: is a fraternal twin, and his twin is his antithesis; if Scott
is bluesy and fortunate, his twin (who we may or may not ever meet on
camera) is upbeat and unfortunate; he's virtually unflappable, which
makes him both amazing and someone you wish would show you a little
bit more joie de vivre; kind of an elusive personality; hails
from a
Bayou state way down south; insists on driving a shitty car even
though he has accumulated a lot of wealth; manages his wealth poorly
so he ends up losing it just as quickly as it returns (which it always
does, somehow); loves raw food: sushi, vegetables, nuts, fruit, even
carpaccio (raw meat); mostly watches black and white movies and
cartoons. Loves Eric Clapton. BIG FLAWS: uses moderation
in excess.
Never lets himself live life fully. Falls too comfortably into the
middle, not deigning to go either way.
type A Cartman type personality, like to show off, gain unfair competitive
advantage, abrasive,try to take advantage of people in any situation, wants
fame, popularity and anything vain, materialistic.
finish high school, always hustling and looking
for that goldmine sales job.
ROXANNE: orphan; control freak; incredible work ethic, sometimes to
her own detriment; she has made herself super tired or ill because she
works very hard and late and keeps a rigid schedule; the love of her
life left her not so long ago and it stung deeply and left a lasting
scar; she has very little faith/trust in men because of this; it's
very easy for her to turn on and manipulate men; skillful masseuse;
marathon runner; adventurer; always manages to change/get ready for
anything at lightening speed; showed up on the doorstep of an
orphanage in Singapore; speaks fluent Malay and Mandarin; was
president of her senior class in high school; loves to eat carbs;
super fast metabolism. Company named: "Alphemale." BIG
abysmally bad relationship luck, chooses terrible guys; comes on too
over-achiever, precocious for her age, athelete mind set, impatient, grade A
student type, have difficulty balancing
bossy career life with her feminine social side. Use her for womans rights election 08 issue.
GENE: quietly addicted to something, some interesting drug of choice;
it's got to be catnip or something like it, something natural that you
don't really ingest but merely smell and it gets you going; naturally
wise; old, but who knows how old; got a hint of a Native American
style to him, was born in one of the Dakotas; doesn't like to have his
photograph taken (maybe there are clues like that to express his
Native American vibe)… likes gambling and firewater (?) ☺, every
movement he makes is slow; never yells; sometimes shakes his head in
disappointment, but never shames or criticizes people in an overtly
mean way; has a knack for reducing situations or dilemmas down to a
simple perspective or solution; guarded about his own desires and
needs for help; married to "Jeanie" who is, ostensibly, "Gene"
up to look slightly more feminine; they're marriage is truly good and
happy b/c they love doing the small things together and helping
others, but they have kind of a classic way of disagreeing, if only to
present two intelligent perspectives; has one son, "Levi;" is retired
from doing some blue-collar job; sleeps very little, wakes up early
and stays up very late; good with numbers. Says, "Oh, Gee… "
all of
the time. BIG FLAWS: Does not take criticism well at all. Will
become sarcastic and even gruff or angry when given advice. May even
become sarcastic. Can get distracted, lose focus and become weird
when he smells the catnip. May even take on feline characteristics.
Will start pawing at things.
Gene: always saying its too old to
change, likes drinking and smoking, gives really gd advice when drunk while
Gene and Mica is pro-idu, Scot and
Roxy will be anti-thesis for their various reasons, and goober as always
questioning, never committing. – this provides the self-deprecating effect on
idu philosophy in all our scripts.
The puppets are monsters as in Ave
Q and has their own weird behaviors and norms much like a race.
And all 5 monsters should be
interviewed by idu on what their views are on the 27 blurbs. We need to establish
stereotypes quickly and brand the puppets as such in the very 1st
idu show so that the next 26 scripts will flow with familiarity of the puppets
In zany terms, we want to
market Idu as
“be you, have the most fun,
live to the fullest, do your best, go after your dreams, dream big, share you,
share your passions, share your hobbies, connect by sharing,share what u
create, be bold, be open, try everything”
“have fun empowering yourself,
love your work and play, have fun helping others, have fun loving everyone.”
Other Social issues we must
- Gay
- Woman
rights – election 08
- Single
parents- maybe mica has a single parent-her dad
- cross-culture,
different race as in borat style, strategy with spunky girl and puppet
going to the streets in each script.
- charity
as election issue in 08, local charity and foreign aid to emerging nations
- issue
on immigration, outsourcing,
foreign competition
- Corruption
in established and emerging nations- how procrastination to totally
eliminate corruption will have heavy down the road consequences as scale
- sex
abstinence, porn – overcome versus avoidance??
- divorce
- affordable
healthcare issues
11. Vices in life – drug use, drunk driving,
smoking, gambling
- abortion
as in stem cell debate
- gun
control, capital punishment, physical violence, crime rates, local gangs
- education
– mentoring one on one as solution, the proper approach- the arms length
approach versus the close-up approach. Balance??
- power
of web 2.0 in daily life= power of the individual , social effects,
youtube, facebk, wiki, myspace, charity etc
- we are
all connected and intertwined with everyone as much as we try to live or
succeed in a vacuum.